Dog and cat abscess, all the remedies

Dog and cat abscess, all the remedies

Abscess in dogs and cats may be more common than one might imagine. Natural remedies help speed up healing. Let’s find out what they are.

>   1. What is an abscess

>   2. Symptoms of dog and cat abscess

>   3. Dog abscess: natural cures and remedies

>   4.  Cat abscess: natural cures and remedies

Dog abscess



What is abscess

An abscess is an accumulation of pus contained in a small sac called the pyogenic membrane . Pus is a thick, white to yellowish liquid consisting mainly of dead white blood cells that forms as a result of an infection.

Abscesses represent the tissues’ attempt to isolate invading organisms . They can form anywhere but are more common on the skin. The microorganisms responsible for the formation of an abscess are mainly bacteria.


Symptoms of the abscess

Most skin abscesses cause local pain and swelling . Deeper abscesses can cause fever, fatigue, and loss of appetite.

It is necessary to treat even the smallest and most circumscribed abscesses , without waiting for them to heal on their own, to avoid an alteration of the body’s immune mechanisms and an expansion of the infection. Usually the abscess is hot and sore.

An early-stage abscess is hard, solid, while a mature abscess (with liquid pus inside) is mushy in the center. Once the abscess breaks outwards, the symptoms subside, the pus comes out mixed with blood, the local pain subsides and the fever subsides.


Dog abscess: natural cures and remedies

The dog can cause abscesses by playing with other dogs, rolling on the grass or scratching. Abscesses in dogs are usually found around the limbs and face , on the back or at the base of the tail.

The treatment of a dog abscess consists in the application of heat using a towel or a tampon soaked in hot water (in which 10 drops of Calendula mother tincture have been dissolved ) since, to cure an abscess, it is above all necessary to increase circulation. of the blood causing the blood vessels to dilate.

Place the hot water in a small container and wet a towel in it, squeeze it lightly and apply it on the part to be treated. When the pad cools, remove it, moisten it again and reapply it. Repeat for about 5 minutes, 3-4 times a day. 


You can learn more about the properties and use of calendula mother tincture



Cat abscess: natural cures and remedies

Cat skin abscesses are the most common form of bacterial skin infection in felines . In fact, it happens to see skin abscesses on the skin of cats, as the skin of cats, being very elastic, closes immediately healing, thus retaining the bacteria inside, causing an abscess.

The cause can be a bite, a scratch from another cat. They are usually found around the limbs and face, on the back or at the base of the tail.

As for the dog, for the cat, the treatment of an abscess consists in the application of heat through a towel or a pad soaked in hot water .

To accelerate the maturation of an abscess to purge it or to wash a burst abscess, use warm water containing 10 drops of Calendula mother tincture .

Put the liquid in a small basin and moisten a towel in it, then squeeze the swab lightly and apply it to the part to be treated , keeping it in contact with the skin; as soon as the pad cools, remove it, moisten it again and reapply it, continuing in this way for at least 5 minutes. It is necessary to practice at least 3 or 4 applications per day, spaced at constant intervals. 


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