Does the raw food diet make you lose weight?
Does the raw food diet make you lose weight? Proponents of raw eating, often vegetarians (but not necessarily), say that it is very easy to lose weight naturally on a raw food diet . The reasons would be two: the first, by eating raw, many of the substances useful to the body are assimilated, such as vitamins, mineral salts, enzymes, which would be lost with cooking, and the body would be purified, which therefore would tend to throw away the excess. weight; the second, perhaps more truthful than the first, is that by eating raw in general you also eat a greater volume of food, in the case of vegetables, also ingesting the water that is dispersed during cooking, and chewing much more, stimulating both a better absorption of food in the stomach, which also spending more energy to digest it.People who eat raw say they have various health benefits : better skin, better digestion, a flatter stomach, more energy. The typical diet of the vegetarian raw foodist includes fruits , vegetables, oil seeds, nuts and dried fruit (but not roasted), some grains and sprouted legumes, sprouts. Many people recommend starting this type of diet gradually, and not totally raw , but combining the steaming of some foods (meat, fish, whole grains) with the raw food diet. In the typical diet of the omnivorous raw foodist we also find raw or marinated meat, fish and eggs, seafood, etc.. One hundred percent raw food eaters will say that man began by eating raw, making him the same logic as the Paleolithic diet: once upon a time it was done like this and it was fine, why not go back like this? The logic is fallacious, however, the weight loss benefits of this regimen are recognized by many, so you might want to try a raw food diet or partial raw food diet to lose weight. The question is which. Many raw food diets are based on an excessive use of fats, some on an excessive use of animal proteins: it is true that Carol Alt, perhaps one of the most convinced raw foodists, has been eating an omnivorous raw foodist for twenty years, but it is also true that she has followed step by step by a famous nutritionist, and takes many supplements.
Is it full of people on the web who, improvising a raw food regime, have become seriously ill? What is the solution? To see if the raw food diet is right for us, I always advise not to overdo it by immediately making the one hundred percent raw version. We choose only organic and zero km foods, and for a week we eat raw fruit and vegetables (salad, vegetables, fresh broad beans, sprouts), smoothies, some nuts, olives, oil seeds, Greek yogurt for breakfast, honey, Essene bread. This could be a good basis for getting closer to raw: for those who chew English, this raw recipe site is unmatched . To this base we can add steamed dishes: steamed brown rice or other cereals, meat and fish, seafood.
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