Does skipping breakfast make you lose weight? The new study

Does skipping breakfast make you lose weight? The new study

We had grown fond of the saying: breakfast like a king, lunch as a butler and dinner as a poor man . Some of us continue undeterred to say that ” breakfast is the most important meal of the day ” unaware of the fact that in recent years more than one study has established that the importance of breakfast is completely subjective, as I explain in this article.
Personally, I think breakfast is important as a meal as long as we do it right most of the time: if we eat too much sugar in the morning, insulin rises abruptly after an overnight fast is under the heels, and this is a problem, unless that you don’t have a double spinning lesson afterwards.The trouble is, most people just eat too much sugar in the morning.

But today, today a new study comes out explaining how skipping breakfast can lead to weight loss.
In reality, according to experts, it only makes you lose weight because, if you skip a meal and fast until lunch, then having a normal lunch and not a recovery one, you cut about 350 calories from your daily caloric intake.
But go?
For that matter, avoiding eating all day would save you two thousand calories.
But Dr. Tolfrey, at the head of the study, explains that at breakfast we end up eating as much as we do at lunch and dinner, perhaps without realizing it. Up to 500 calories if our breakfast includes orange juice, milk and cereals. But even the Italian breakfast is no joke: sweetened cappuccino and croissant are about 400 calories, if the croissant is empty.

So the study makes you think a bit. In fact, the doctor took care to evaluate how much adolescents eat. Sugary breakfast, often snacks away from home, often snacks with the products of the machines. This certainly affects the problem of childhood obesity.
And U.S? How should we juggle if we are among the breakfast essentials?
Simple, we should be balanced. For example, combine a protein product with the cereal quota, such as Greek yogurt, cottage cheese, an egg omelette or egg and egg whites.
Often my breakfastincludes cottage cheese smoothed with cocoa, sweetener or a small ripe banana and a tablespoon of flaxseed. The result is a 350-calorie Budwig-style cream that leaves me full for 4-5 hours.
These protein foods are satiating: we can add a fruit or cereals with a low glycemic impact, such as oats, or even fats, to modulate the insulin response, as long as you don’t overdo it. A porridge made with skimmed milk (35/40 grams of oat flakes cooked in 200 ml of skim milk) has less than 200 calories, and is satiating and perfect for those with thyroid and digestive problems. We can chop 5-6 almonds on top and have no hunger problems until lunch!

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