Does living alone get fat?

Does living alone get fat?

live aloneIt is no coincidence that many university students tend to gain weight when they go to study away from home: the change in our food life when we go to live alone can in fact lead us to gain weight or lose weight, but above all it pushes us to gain weight. For what reason? If you are a woman, living alone can, for example, push you more to do some crazy diet that your mother or boyfriend would not approve of. I’ve lived with a lot of roommates, busy (as I once was) ruining their figure or almost doing this or that diet, and taking a size or more after a season. Of course we grow over time, but nervous hunger for example is another thing that happens more easily when we go to live alone.. In short, living with others conditions us, binding us to have meal times, to prepare, and in a certain time also to resize food thanks to conviviality. Living alone, on the other hand, leads us more easily to experiment with diets, and when we get bored of being prey to food fads, to eat badly, often taking advantage of the pizzeria at home and the crap to watch in front of the TV.

Don’t believe it? Then take a look at this research . According to the University of Queensland, which has reviewed 41 studies on the subject, people who live alone tend to eat less fresh fruit and vegetables and more processed foods. Especially as regards men and especially as regards all those people who return to live alone after marriage or a cohabitation.
In part, the choice to eat less fresh fish and fewer vegetables is due to economic and practical needs, needs that weigh on the scales.

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