Does hot water and lemon make you lose weight?

Does hot water and lemon make you lose weight?

Surely, drinking hot water and lemon is not bad, indeed it is excellent as a first morning drink, that is, when awake and fasting. But does hot water and lemon make you lose weight?

To answer this question, let’s first look at the health benefits of hot lemon water, and why it is often present in many diets.


Before breakfast, a glass of warm, acidulated water with a few drops of fresh lemon juice is good for you because it helps the body get rid of waste more easily, as Dr. Hyman explains .

Help the liver.
It improves hydration and allows the regulation of intestinal functions.
It naturally promotes the elimination of intestinal mucus, the natural production of gastric juices and the secretion activity of the salivary glands, dehydrated after an overnight fast.

It also has an excellent anti-inflammatory and antioxidant function, which we derive from vitamin C.

Finally, lemon contains pectin, a fiber that promotes the feeling of fullness.
But does hot water and lemon make you lose weight? 


the answer is no. Let’s say that it has a draining effect, and by helping intestinal regularity like everything that benefits the good bacterial flora it also helps metabolism.

Perhaps it really needs to be said that if you drink it instead of sugary drinks, you lose weight, because you cut the calories of the aforementioned. But this does not mean that it alone makes you lose weight.
However, I have not found any evidence that lemon water makes you lose weight. Although they also made us a diet . In short, that hot water and lemon make you lose weight is a dietary myth, which is based on the fact that this drink has diuretic properties and regulates us.

In short, it is valid as an economic beauty secret.
We can call it a diet adjuvant, but do you know what makes you lose weight?
Eat less and properly and move. With or without lemon

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