Does honey make you lose weight?
Does honey make you lose weight? Have you ever heard of a honey diet that would cause your metabolism to burn more overnight ? If you have come to this article, it is because you too have heard about this urban legend that honey would make you lose weight. It is a hoax, built by putting together some considerations on honey that are certainly true or likely, and therefore expecting that the thesis supported by these elements may also be true, without however any cause / effect criterion. Let me explain. The thesis would be that honey makes you lose weight.  Those who talk about it add the following considerations:
– honey has a lower glycemic index than sugar, so if you substitute it for sugar you don’t risk gaining weight. The problem is that sugar is bad, and honey is simply less bad. Fructose, agave syrup, and various other natural sweeteners also have a lower GI than white or brown sugar. – athletes who consume honey tend to burn more fat. Honey instead of what? Of sugar? – honey has many beneficial properties, including some anti-inflammatory and antioxidants. Yes, ok, who has never used propolis for sore throats? – if you take three teaspoons of honey before going to bed , it satisfies your craving for sweet and thus eliminates the risk of having nocturnal hunger cramps. Yes, and the same happens with three teaspoons of Nutella.
Can these be valid arguments to establish that honey specifically makes you lose weight? Do they seem serious arguments to you? As it happens, the honey diet prescribes three teaspoons of honey before going to bed, as long as you eat a low-calorie diet and exercise. In the face of the miracle of nature!
I hope with this I was clear: honey does not make you lose weight, but it does not hurt and it is undoubtedly useful to replace it with traditional sugar if you want to lose weight, because it has fewer calories, more sweetening power and lower GI, moreover it is natural. But alone it doesn’t make you lose weight.
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