Does eating in moderation make you fat?

Does eating in moderation make you fat?

  • Is eating in moderation and a little bit of everything necessary to lose weight?  Moderation at the table and an active lifestyle have always seemed to me the easy recipe for those who wanted to have a stable weight and good health. Eating a little of everything allows us not to deprive ourselves of the foods we love, but to understand that there is a limit to everything: al bis, for example, or pizza that even if we love we cannot eat every holy evening. 

Yet, in reality this is not even the secret to staying in shape : because if I think I can eat a little bit of everything, I will end up having a diet that is not necessarily healthy. There are foods that we must prefer or eat more than others, however, let’s think about fruit and vegetables. Furthermore, it can be an excuse that does not lead us to vary the diet: why try new foods or create new habits if you just have to eat the usual foods by simply moderating?

This in the rosy prospect of still being able to moderate at the table: which is not always true.
And in fact, a study on Plos One reveals that eating in moderation could lead us to gain weight or otherwise eat an unhealthy diet. A group of researchers has in fact analyzed the habits of over five thousand people, followed for a period of 5 or 7 years in their body weight fluctuations and their waist circumference. 

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