Does drinking more water really help you get rid of cellulite?

Does drinking more water really help you get rid of cellulite?

In the pages dedicated to fitness I often read about girls with cellulite problems who choose the strategy of drinking more water (up to 4 liters) to try to eliminate cellulite. And, strangely enough, not only does cellulite not disappear like Cinderella after the dance, but they also complain of a balloon swelling. I wonder why?  Nutritionist Sara Farnetti explains how to eliminate cellulite it is not necessary to drink more water, who in this article appeared for the magazine Starbeneexplains what is true and what is not in the phantom benefits of drinking more water: it is true for example that it helps to lose weight simply because it reduces the intake of calories, it is true that it helps the body to eliminate uric acid (in particular in high protein diets), it is true that it is essential for those who do intense activities, or train.

But drinking too much not only hurts, because it creates electrolyte decompensation, but as the doctor herself explains on her facebook page:
“drinking an excessive amount of water hurts: it strains the kidneys and decreases the production of vasopressin , a hormone that when it is not abundant, it promotes weight gain and prevents muscle mass from developing at its best “( source ).

Therefore the quantity of water to drink is always subjective , and above all it is good to drink throughout the course of the day, in small sips.
We do not search for predetermined doses on the internet.
A lot then depends on what we eat: if we eat a lot of foods rich in water, such as fruit and vegetables, it doesn’t make much sense to drink even three liters of water.
And of course it depends on our business.
In short, drinking too much not only causes electrolyte decompensation, depleting the body of precious mineral salts (and consequently pushing the body to water retention), but also hormonal ones. And for cellulite?
Do you have to drink a lot more to get rid of cellulite?
Dr. Farnetti herself explains on her page how the idea of ​​drinking much more does not help eliminate cellulite.
“Drinking excessively is something that many women do, believing they are fighting the much-hated cellulite, but the truth is that water is in no way able to eliminate the liquids that remain trapped between the tissues.
Cellulite is a blemish that depends on hormonal activity and not on the fact that we drink a lot or a little “( source ).

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