Does autoeroticism make you lose weight?
It is well known that masturbating has various physical and psychological benefits. What if autoeroticism also made you lose weight? The observations of some scholars seem encouraging.

By MySecretCase
We are learning little by little that masturbating is not harmful to health but that, on the contrary, it brings various benefits from a physical and psychological point of view. Science confirms that masturbation decreases stress , improves sleep , promotes good mood and facilitates couple pleasure. What if autoeroticism also made you lose weight?
How many calories are burned with sex and masturbation
Calorie counter in hand, it is possible to easily quantify the calories burned during sexual activity . Thus we know, at least indicatively, how much sex can make us lose weight.
A very recent article appeared in The Sun , unfortunately, dampens the enthusiasm : an average sexual intercourse, lasting 6 minutes, leads to burn about 20 calories . Nothing that would make sex a viable alternative to training in the gym, running or swimming.
We can speculate that the situation doesn’t change much even when masturbation is considered .
For the moment, there are no scientific studies that tell us in detail how much energy is consumed with self-eroticism. If we really want to be optimistic we can imagine burning a few more calories through masturbation, if only considering a duration that exceeds 6 minutes.
But there is good news: if autoeroticism does not make us lose weight directly, indirectly it seems to be an excellent ally of the balance .
Read also Masturbation during your period: why it’s good for you >>
Because masturbation makes you lose weightÂ
In her bestseller ” You Are Why You Eat ,” Dr. Ramani Durvasula , a psychologist and researcher at California State University, examines the reasons that lead to binge eating and diet failure.
If compulsive eating is a quest for consolation and gratification , depriving yourself of it can be very frustrating and difficult.
And here, unexpectedly, masturbation enters the scene : autoeroticism is suggested by the doctor as an alternative – and healthy – source of pleasure and gratification. A calorie-free substitute for carbohydrates and fats, to be used on a regular basis.
Dr. Durvasula’s may seem like an unusual proposal, but it becomes less so if you consider masturbation as a moment of meeting and contact with yourself , a way to love your body and take care of it .
Loving each other even when you do not feel good in your body and would like to change it can be a small, but not insignificant, further push towards choosing a healthier and healthier lifestyle .
Without forgetting that the release of oxytocin and dopamine , which occurs during sex in pairs and during masturbation, improves mood. And it makes it easier to choose between a cupcake and a balanced snack!
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