Doctor Migliaccio’s Valentine’s Day diet

Doctor Migliaccio’s Valentine’s Day diet

Carnival and Valentine’s Day coincide as periods.
With the trouble that between frappe or chat, apple fritters and fried cupcakes, but also boxes of chocolates and evenings out, your love will find you more rounded and maybe even appreciate you like this and amen.

However, your scale will appreciate you a little less and above all you will love her less.

To avoid worsening the situation of extra pounds that some of us still drag on from the Christmas holidays and come out unscathed from the temptations of Carnival and Valentine’s Day, I searched the internet for a suitable diet.

I came across Dr. Migliaccio’s Valentine’s Day diet, the late nutritionist whose advice is still valid, indeed, very valid.
It combines 3 days of a basically normal calorie diet to be done before the Valentine’s Day.
Plus another 3 days of dieting right after.

Professor Pietro Migliaccio was one of the most renowned Italian nutritionists, as well as president of the Italian Society of Food Science.
The Migliaccio studio website is an incredible source of diets and good advice.

The Valentine’s Day diet is a regimen of about 1350 calories, with a large use of proteins and low glycemic index cereals, an assortment of seasonal fruit and vegetables.


100 ml of partially skimmed milk + 40 g of sliced ​​bread to be toasted and spread with two teaspoons of honey or jam (coffee for those who want it).
A pear or an apple.
130/150 gr of white fish in net weight plus 250 gr of vegetables to choose from beets, broccoli, chicory, fennel, mixed salad and 2 teaspoons of oil for dressing, 40 gr. of toast and an orange or two clementines.
A jar of 125 gr. of low-fat yogurt (ok also with fruit)
150 gr. of veal / chicken / turkey / rabbit, + 250 gr, of vegetables of your choice among spinach, broccoli, mushrooms or, mixed salad, 40 gr. of toast and 2 teaspoons of oil to season the dishes, plus an orange or a kiwi.

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