Doctor Migliaccio’s summer diet
Are you at sea, on vacation, or in the city still struggling with work, and dreaming of vacation?
You can take advantage of the summer and the heat to lose weight and regain fitness.
Here is a summer diet that can help you.
We prefer fresh foods, more vegetables, we naturally drink more, but above all we are in the sun, we move more.
For all these reasons, if you haven’t lost weight so far but want to, a summer diet is perfect for that.
In this regard, here is the summer diet of Dr. Pietro Migliaccio , the late Italian dietician, nutritionist and former president of the Italian Society of Food Science.
Doctor Migliaccio had developed a special summer diet of 1300 calories for his patients.
We lose 4 kilos in a month with this simple scheme, which, as you will read, can be followed both when we are on the beach and when we are at home.
What is the peculiarity of this diet? It is specially designed for the summer, both in the choice of seasonal fruit and vegetables, as well as moisturizing and fresh foods.
- You can eat the first course of pasta or rice only once a week.
- For “portion” where not indicated we mean about 60/70 gr. of pasta or rice (maximum) or a small to medium portion of potatoes or legumes, the equivalent of 3 tablespoons or 150 gr. from raw in case of fresh legumes and potatoes or 150 gr. of dried but already boiled legumes.
- Physical activity is essential. Week end by the sea or by the pool with swimming or walking in the open air.
Breakfast . A cappuccino with 100 ml of skimmed or vegetable milk or a tea, a teaspoon of sugar or honey, three rusks or 40 g of bread.
Snack. An apple or a kiwi or a small banana or 200 g of pineapple or strawberries or melon or 400 g of watermelon or a peach or 2-3 apricots or 2-3 plums or 2-3 medlars or a fruit juice or an iced tea to fishing.
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