Do you want to lose weight but can’t? Here’s what you miss

Do you want to lose weight but can’t? Here’s what you miss

Do you want to lose weight but can’t? Maybe there’s only one thing you’re missing, and it’s neither a special supplement nor a meal plan other than any you’ve probably experienced before. Perhaps the thing you miss most of all is motivation. The motivation to lose weight and lose weight is in fact the great distinction that divides the people who make it and the people who fail. The former have no secret, apart from being determined.

In fact, one thing that we can all notice when reading or listening to the stories of those who have made it, is that there is nothing original about their methods. Low calorie diet and exercise.
It doesn’t matter that their diet was no carbohydrates or high carbohydrates and low protein or who knows what else: in fact, those who made it learned to eat both better and less.
After that he chose an activity to do.

How many times, reading or listening to the stories of those who made it, we shrugged and said to ourselves:
is it possible that he did only this? I also went on a diet and gym but I did not achieve certain results.
There must be something underneath! But what?
There is often nothing underneath, aside from the motivation to succeed. Which must be fed day after day .

Having motivation means that people do not give up on their resolutions despite over-commitments (we all have them), a family, scarce time, stress. But also:
– continue to maintain a healthy lifestyle even when we have a problematic life
– return to a healthy lifestyle after a period of detachment or a period not
– remembering that our successes depend on us, and not on external events that we cannot control.

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