Do plums make you fat? No, it’s the other way around

Do plums make you fat? No, it’s the other way around

Do plums make you fat? No. Prunes make you lose weight, even if they have a lot of calories, 240 per 100 grams: explains a group of scientists.

Let’s look at the reasons why plums don’t make you fat but instead promote weight loss.


According to researchers from the University of Liverpool, eating dried plums, in the amount of fifteen per day (about 30 gr.) Would allow you to lose weight even if they are sugary, and regardless of the diet we do.
In particular, dried plums would have a satiating effect between meals .

The reason seems to be that of the type of fiber contained in prunes, which in addition to promoting intestinal regularity, increase the effect of satiety and tend to decrease appetite even in meals. In short, among the foods that make plums lose weight they would occupy an unsuspected place of respect.

For example, you can eat 7 as a snack a couple of hours before lunch, and 7 in the afternoon a couple of hours before dinner. With 90-100 calories in all between the two snacks, however, we will avoid eating biscuits, snacks, ice cream. And we won’t be very hungry for both lunch and dinner.

This would allow people on the one hand to eat less , on the other hand to solve constipation problems.

The fact that prunes are sugary is not an obstacle, according to the researchers: it is true that they provide energy in sugars, but it is also true that by limiting the appetite they allow you to eat much less, and therefore to lose weight.

The important thing is to choose without added sugars. 

See also: Dr. Flachi’s Plum Diet. 

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