Do legumes make you fat?
A dear friend of mine is a vegetarian, but unlike all vegetarians, vegans and people who eat properly, she has developed a strange idiosyncrasy towards legumes, which she fears they will make her fat. So she eats them just if she has to, a couple of times a month. And she is wrong. Legumes not only do not make you fat, but on the contrary instead of pasta or rice they make you lose weight. Legumes can be eaten every day, fresh or dried, without any contraindications . They don’t hurt. In people suffering from intestinal problems it is good to remember that they contain fodmaps, or substances that cause intestinal fermentation.
However, if eaten frequently, the body learns to digest and tolerate them better . And, surprise, once you get used to eating them they are useful for reducing abdominal fat!
Beans of all varieties, chickpeas, cicerchie, peas, broad beans, soy and lupins are absolutely useful for losing weight or maintaining it: they have low glycemic index, lower cholesterol, and if it is true that calories range from 300 to 330 per hundred grams of dry legumes (fresh ones have a third of calories), it is also true that one hundred grams of dry legumes boiled in water are a dish of considerable proportions, equivalent of two cans of ready-made legumes! A teaspoon of oil to season, a fruit of your choice after and we have a meal of just over 400 calories, perfectly integrated into any diet. One hundred grams of legumes satiate well over one hundred grams of pasta. Furthermore, legumes are perfectly balanced : they have a good percentage of proteins, they contain carbohydrates, they are rich in calcium and vitamins, they have fibers that promote digestion .
If we organize ourselves it is not difficult to cook them: I advise you to avoid mixtures of legumes, which often have different cooking methods, and cook a single type at a time. If we have space in the freezer, we can cook half a kilo and divide it into five parts. Otherwise buy them in cans, they are delicious and valid also from a nutritional point of view!
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