Do Almonds Help You Lose Weight?

Do Almonds Help You Lose Weight?

Are you still a fan of avocado and salmon or chia seeds? Forget it, you are out of fashion! The new must for weight loss is on the lips of all the stars of nutrition, fitness and cooking: that is, almonds have become the new weapon for losing weight . But how, they don’t have a lot of calories? Yes, but for almond they only have 7/8.
So ten almonds a day provide you with around 75 calories but have many beneficial effects on your body. 

And there is one more trick to get better results: activate the almonds .
That is, soak them overnight with two drops of lemon juice, rinse them and toast them in the oven (at 150 °) or in a pan for a few minutes, perhaps with a handful of herbs or spices. In this way, we will get all the minerals and vitamins. 

Here are the 5 reasons why almonds would make you lose weight (and here’s how):

  1. They have good fats, namely omega3, 6 and 9 and vitamin E to absorb them: this balance of fats stimulates the metabolism, reduces inflammation and enzymatic digestion is improved.
  2. Eat before meals, they significantly reduce both the glycemic impact and the insulin impact , thanks to their “healthy” protein profile, ie vegetable, and their fibers.
  3. They fight nervous hunger because they are nutritious: almonds contain proteins, vitamins and fatty acids and satisfy with their full taste. Ten almonds are great for a healthy snack, such as blended in low-fat yogurt or with a piece of fruit or on their own. They satiate and avoid hunger cramps.
  4. They help you maintain a healthy weight: according to a study, almonds in a dose of ten grams per day prevent weight changes.
  5. Satisfying: their fat content is balanced by protein and fiber. What does it mean? May the almonds satisfy! Try eating a dozen before the meal when you usually overdo it more at the table: a snack that will make you feel satisfied and automatically make you eat less.


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