DIY skinny tea

DIY skinny tea

In this period the so-called skinny tea or fit tea slimming tea or teatox are very fashionable , or special blends that guarantee a thermogenic and fat-burning or detoxifying effect. As I have already explained in this article, you must still be careful to buy these products online , especially if we do not have the faint idea of ​​what is inside, since they are not free from side effects. It would be better to try to make these blends at home : we are sure of the origin of the raw materials, the blend becomes cheaper and just as effective.

Here is a recipe for a DIY skinny tea, with anti-inflammatory, antioxidant, stimulant of thermogenesis, deflating and purifying properties. 
for a 250ml cup of water
a tablespoon of jasmine green tea ( you can find it here )
a teaspoon of fennel seeds
a piece of fresh ginger
a piece of fresh turmeric
dried or fresh mint two leaves
half a stick of cinnamon powder
one slice of lemon

a sachet of chamomile or a tablespoon of chamomile

Mix the green tea powders, flower chamomile (if necessary break the bag) and fennel seeds.
Heat some water with ginger, turmeric, cinnamon, mint and lemon wedge in it. Heat until simmering and add the mixture. Turn off, cover with a saucer and wait 3-4 minutes for infusion. Strain into the cup and sweeten with a pinch of honey.

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