Diy diet, the mistakes not to make

Diy diet, the mistakes not to make

Many people who write to me have a very human defect, they want to do their own thing with regard to diet and training: reading here and there they have formed opinions, and they act on them. It is very difficult to make them change their minds: and often precisely because of these behaviors they have consequences that are contrary to those they aspire to. Which puts them in front of problems that can only be solved if you change your mind. For example: 
– why do I eat little and do not lose weight (more)?

– why do I eat so much fruit and vegetables but don’t lose weight?
– why I go to the gym every day, the app tells me that I burn eighty thousand calories, but the panzetta remains?
 – how come I run, do zumba, spinning, pilates but have not solved my weight problems?
And as a result of the boomerang effect, these problems never come by themselves: those who have these problems usually have a hormonal problem, nervous hunger or even binge problems, skyrocketing stress, swollen stomach and retention and digestion problems. If you too see yourself in this picture, but are still looking for a do-it-yourself diet, here I show you the things to which you must at least pay the utmost attention so as not to worsen the situation, but if possible improve it. 

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