DIY cocoa slimming drink (like Chocolate slim)

DIY cocoa slimming drink (like Chocolate slim)

One thing I really like is trying to see if there are healthier and more viable alternatives to products that are passed off as slimming, like in the case of Chocolate Slim . Already in this article I said that the ingredients of Chocolate Slim and those listed in the relative advertisement are not the same thing, so you pay for a product that does not have the fabulous virtues described in the advertisement. But apart from that, the problem is in the sponsored ingredients: substances like green coffee and ganoderma are useless for weight loss, so if you have ever bet on these products you have spent money in vain.

In this article we see a homemade variant of a chocolate slimming drink similar to Chocolate slim: you have to buy some ingredients (about 3) to get it, but the quantities of the products purchased are such that you can comfortably make your drink for months, therefore the shopping it “breaks down” easily because you will get much more product. The other ingredients can be found in the local supermarket.
Here is the recipe:

(home-made imitation of Chocolate Slim)

For one serving:
replace breakfast as a meal or lunch or dinner if we want to lose weight faster. 
300 ml of skimmed milk (or alternatively 300 of water + a scoop of rice proteins)
half a scoop of glucomannan powder (you can find it here )
100 gr of low fat Greek yogurt type Fage 0%, also good quark or skyr Milbona
( eliminate it in the vegan variant)
a small cup of coffee or a teaspoon of matcha tea powder
10 gr of bitter cocoa
a teaspoon of organic açai powder ( here ) or a scoop of red fruit supplement ( like this one )
half a teaspoon of seeds chia (5 g)
half a teaspoon of oat bran or oat flour (5 g scarce)
stevia to taste or other zero-calorie sweetener

Kcal about 230, proteins 22 grams, very few carbohydrates. 
How to do it? Simple: pour everything into a blender and voila. The product is thick and creamy.
You can also do it the night before for the next morning.
Are there any contraindications? Yes, glucomannan is a fiber not suitable for everyone, in essence we are talking about konjac, the same as shirataki noodles. If you have any gastrointestinal problems, the use of fiber should be discussed with your doctor. If it is not recommended, you can use this procedure: put 100 ml of water + 100 ml of pasteurized egg white in a saucepan. Heat until the mixture becomes totally white. Let it cool, reduce the milk in the recipe to 200 ml and pour this as a thickener.The cooked egg white increases the total protein content of the smoothie and thickens it. Total calories are 20 more.

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