Disorders due to a sedentary lifestyle
I work a lot in the office and on the computer and in the evening I have neck pain and swollen legs . Is there a specific massage to relieve these ailments?
Health Answers

Good morning, spending a lot of time in front of the computer greatly increases the presence of cervical problems, carpal tunnel and headaches. Actually spending many hours at the computer creates a huge overload in the cervical-lumbar area and over time all this leads to degeneration of discs and vertebrae A simple remedy to learn how to protect your back when working on the computer is to get up often (about every 20 min) even for a few moments and remember every time to stretch and stretch your arms . time will change the pain in the neck. Whatever the cause of leg swelling, it is always the accumulation of water in the space between the skinand musclesThe sitting position for a long time, without muscle activity to act as a pump, causes water to stagnate in the tissues of the legs, especially in the most sloping areas. This is already in the absence of diseases. If you have venous circulation defects, heart disease , kidney, liver, this phenomenon can be more or less evident. blueberry and red vine extract. Clothing: The clothing chosen in the case of leg health can be very important. Clothes that tighten making normal circulation difficult can in fact negatively affect the appearance of swollen legs. The ideal is to wear comfortable clothes and avoid those that are very fashionable but annoying to wear. This is the case, for example, of jeans that are too tight, which hinder movement and make circulation tiring. Furthermore, the denim fabric retains the heat a lot and therefore in summer it can promote vasodilation. It is therefore better to choose wide models that let the air pass and in light fabrics. If you have to spend a lot of time sitting, the ideal is to hold thepiedilift yourself up, at least for a while by leaning them against a stool or pillow. It is important to get up often and stretch your legs. In fact, it takes very little to allow the blood to circulate perfectly again. A walk to the coffee machine or copier will be more than enough to feel better right away. When you return home, you can get into the habit of lying down for a few minutes (5 to 10) on the bed with your legs slightly raised and resting on a pillow. All this will facilitate proper blood circulation. It is good to try to walk as much as possible, giving up the car or the tram. A walk will help to get the blood back into circulation, keeping your legs toned and firm. As a sport I recommend brisk walking and swimming. In your case, I would give you my holistic massage.In the holistic massage I integrate western techniques with the oriental ones customized according to the client’s problem, therefore a personalized, tailor-made treatment, centered on body communication, where everything is done to everyone, but they choose each other. the most effective manual skills for that person in that session. Therefore there are no rigid sequences because the massage to be effective must be adapted to the problems of the recipient. All this means being able to see the person in her uniqueness, but also being able to recognize and decode the language of the body, stress, emotions and imperfections. The extraordinary effectiveness of mine In holistic massage I integrate western techniques with oriental ones customized according to the client’s problem, therefore a personalized, tailor-made treatment, centered on body communication, where everything is done to everyone, but the most effective manual skills are chosen for that person in that session. Therefore there are no rigid sequences because the massage to be effective must be adapted to the problems of the recipient. All this means being able to see the person in her uniqueness, but also being able to recognize and decode the language of the body, stress, emotions and imperfections. The extraordinary effectiveness of mine In holistic massage I integrate western techniques with oriental ones customized according to the client’s problem, therefore a personalized, tailor-made treatment, centered on body communication, where everything is done to everyone, but the most effective manual skills are chosen for that person in that session. Therefore there are no rigid sequences because the massage to be effective must be adapted to the problems of the recipient. All this means being able to see the person in her uniqueness, but also being able to recognize and decode the language of the body, stress, emotions and imperfections. The extraordinary effectiveness of mine but you choose the most effective manual skills for that person in that session. Therefore there are no rigid sequences because the massage to be effective must be adapted to the problems of the recipient. All this means being able to see the person in her uniqueness, but also being able to recognize and decode the language of the body, stress, emotions and imperfections. The extraordinary effectiveness of mine but you choose the most effective manual skills for that person in that session. Therefore there are no rigid sequences because the massage to be effective must be adapted to the problems of the recipient. All this means being able to see the person in her uniqueness, but also being able to recognize and decode the language of the body, stress, emotions and imperfections. The extraordinary effectiveness of mineHolistic massage is linked to the stimulation of venous and lymphatic circulation, to nerve repair, to muscle relaxation and elasticity of the joints and spine, to the reactivation of vitality and respiration. So in your case I would go to act more with decontracting techniques on the back and draining on the legs without neglecting the other parts of the body such as the feet, face, abdomen and upper limbs. in prone, supine and fetal positions. Kind regards, Alessandro Sari.

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