Diets today, professionalism or induction to consumption?

Diets today, professionalism or induction to consumption?

Browsing the nutrition websites, I am a little overweight, I end up on the site of the nutritionist Riccardo Passarelli, a site with too many offers for low priced diets, diets are sold on the site without a visit, the diet will be sent in 3 working days, only free telephone advice, while the video call is subject to a fee.
The site with the online diets of the nutritionist Riccardo Passarelli is the following:
What professionalism can an online diet have?
Is promising weight loss with an online diet, without a visit, a scam or not?

Health Answers

I wanted to inform you that the nutritionist Riccardo Passarelli has been reported to the order of biologists for the lack of transparency and truthfulness of the advertised message because it constitutes a deontological violation. We have to stop it, making money like this is shameful and the category loses its professionalism!

Dear Madam, I do not express opinions on the work of the aforementioned specialist, because I do not know him. I can tell you, in reference to your question, that a diet should only be prescribed after evaluating a number of factors and conditions, including nutritional status, blood chemistry tests, clinical conditions, any medication intake, and so on. a person. If anything, you can send by email advice on proper nutrition, therefore a “plan” of food education, but not a diet in which quantities of food and nutrients to be consumed, calories etc. are indicated. Sincerely.


In general, I believe that any prepackaged diet can only partially help those who approach it. I believe that nutrition is so personal and moreover linked to emotions that it cannot be changed only on the basis of technical parameters or tables. Based on my experience, only with the hair bio-test , you can make a good diet that takes into account the real needs of the person.

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