Diets to lose weight well: the 17-day diet

Diets to lose weight well: the 17-day diet

The 17-day diet is, as I specified in the title, a dietary re-education plan developed by Dr. Mike Moreno , more simply known in America as dr. Mike .

Dr. Moreno himself, as seen in the photo, has lost weight thanks to his own plan, and has never regained weight. Furthermore, every year he engages overweight people in a “17 day challenge” that leads them to have his own results.


Doctor Mike Moreno proposes a lifestyle made up of healthy eating habits and the right movement to keep fit.

He therefore developed the 17-day diet , a dietary re-education plan that consists of four cycles of seventeen days each. In the first cycle you lose weight quickly, in the second and third you make sure to keep your metabolism high, in the fourth there is a maintenance diet to follow forever.

The diet is low in simple sugars and fats , with foods that are eliminated in the first cycle and then gradually reintroduced in smaller, more manageable portions.

The dr. In fact, Mike argues that there is no point in depriving oneself of the foods we like for a lifetime .


It makes more sense to know that you can eat less or every now and then. That is why we can speak of a real nutritional education.


In the first cycle there is the actual weight loss .
We eat lean proteins (lean meat and fish) and vegetables in unlimited quantities, few eggs, more or less like a Dukan diet, but healthier because it also includes the consumption of fruit from one to two portions a day until two in the afternoon, up to two tablespoons of olive oil per day and at least two daily servings of probiotics.
No dairy products, starches, carbohydrates of all kinds, sweeteners, refined foods, red meat and game, processed meats and some types of fish. It lasts seventeen days and makes you lose 5 to 8 kilos. Then the second phase follows.

This is a client of Dr. Moreno. Minus 5 kilos in 17 days, as you can see, she immediately lost a lot of belly.



Breakfast: a glass of kefir milk (200 ml).
A hard-boiled egg + 150 grams of fruit including kiwi, pear, apple, peach, clementine, red fruit, strawberries, cherries, apricots or pineapple or 100 grams of ripe banana. Sugar-free coffee or tea.
Snack: 150 grams of orange or 180 grams of melon.
Lunch and dinner.
A serving of chicken, turkey or white fish or a slice of lean veal or octopus or shrimp in doses of 130 grams for women and 170 for men.
Portion of free vegetables (no carrots, beets, Jerusalem artichokes) with a teaspoon of oil.


Snack: 150 grams of white skimmed Greek yogurt or 125 grams of low-fat white yogurt (0% fat, no fruit).
Half an hour of brisk walking every day.

The second cycle serves to reactivate the metabolism.
All proteins are eaten, not just lean ones, but in small portions, yogurt and probiotics must be whole rather than lean and by two in the afternoon you can eat up to two portions of whole grains and legumes, for a total of one cup of cooked food. No dairy products, processed meats or refined foods are eaten yet.


Breakfast. 125 grams of whole white yogurt (not fruit) or 170 grams of 2% white fage yogurt +
150 grams of fruit including kiwi, pear, apple, peach, clementine, red fruit, strawberries, cherries, apricots or pineapple or 100 grams of ripe banana. A slice of toasted wholemeal bread with a teaspoon of jam with no added sugar.
Snack: 150 grams of orange or 180 grams of melon.


A serving of chicken, turkey or white fish or a slice of lean veal or octopus or shrimp in doses of 90 grams for women and 130 for men or a large egg.
Portion of free vegetables (no carrots, beets, Jerusalem artichokes) with a teaspoon of oil.
50 grams of rice or wholemeal pasta with a ladle of simple sauce or with cooked vegetables.

Alternatively 150 grams of legumes (drained from boiled, or 40 grams from buckets) with a portion of free vegetables and a teaspoon of oil + 50 grams of cooked ham or bresaola or raw ham (80 for men).
Snack: 150 grams of white skimmed Greek yogurt or 125 grams of low-fat white yogurt (0% fat, no fruit).
Dinner: as the first stage.

The third cycle includes all unrefined carbohydrates, all legumes, good vegetable fats like avocado, and some dairy or cheese. You can drink a little wine, beer or liqueur and finally you can sweeten something with minimal doses of natural or artificial sweetener.
You do 40 minutes of brisk walking every day or half an hour of physical activity even at home.


Breakfast. 125 grams of whole white yogurt (not fruit-flavored) or 170 grams of 2% white fage yogurt or a glass of kefir milk + 2 slices of toasted wholemeal bread with 2 level teaspoons of jam with no added sugar. Sugar-free coffee or tea.

Snack: 150 grams of orange or 180 grams of melon or a fruit of your choice (if banana or grape: 100 grams).

Portion of free vegetables (no carrots, beets, Jerusalem artichokes) with a teaspoon of oil.
50 grams of rice or wholemeal pasta with a ladle of simple sauce or with cooked vegetables.
25 grams of Grana Padano or 80 grams of shellfish or crustaceans or 50 grams of cooked ham or bresaola or raw ham or an egg.

Alternatively 150 grams of legumes (drained from boiled, or 40 grams from buckets) with a portion of free vegetables and a teaspoon of oil + a tablespoon of rice or wholemeal short pasta or pearl barley + second of 50 grams of cooked ham or bresaola or raw ham (80 for men) or 25 grams of Grana Padano.
At the end of the meal: 3 almonds + a Brazilian nut.

Snack: 125 grams of low-fat white yogurt (0% fat, no fruit) + 100 grams of fruit such as peach, pineapple, clementine, kiwi or strawberries.


Dinner: as the first stage. Plus 5 grams of extra dark chocolate or 3 almonds or 1 Brazilian nut or half a glass of red or white wine.
You do 40 minutes of brisk walking every day or half an hour of physical activity even at home.


Finally, the fourth cycle: in addition to the foods of the third, it is possible to have a day off the diet, Saturday, in which you can eat the foods you like best in moderation.

What you never eat except on the day off : simple sugars (including white bread, pasta and pizza or rice), fruit juices, milk, sweeteners should be avoided.
The dr. Mike is keen to emphasize that the diet must always be followed in agreement with your doctor.

It is an excellent plan, which associated with movement allows you to learn a correct education and lose all excess weight in just over two months , as well as reduce the risks of diabetes, high cholesterol, hypertension, etc. The 17-day diet refers to a cycle, and can actually only last 17 days if you already lose weight with the first cycle. For those who want to learn more and have detailed diet plans and recipes, the only one is to buy the book: The 17 Day Diet .

How many kilos are lost?
You lose eight to eleven kilos in almost two and a half months, without any yo-yo effect because the metabolism remains high and the variation of the cycles allows you to avoid the weight stall phase.

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