Diet Trends, 5 Things To Follow
How to lose weight according to the new diet trends?
What will dieticians and nutritionists propose to us?
Well, looking at what has already been in recent years, from the Paleo diet with its variants, to the return of the Eat Clean to the intermittent fasting proposed in various ways or to the various intestinal diets, these are the diet trends to which we should pay attention.
- Latest generation probiotics.
They are the ones that use bacteriophages , and are proposed as a natural alternative to antibiotics and safer than normal probiotics. These bacteriophages or phages in fact kill intestinal parasites of all kinds, resolve dysbiosis, do not cause an accumulation of intestinal lactic acid.
The first studies have led to the creation of these latest generation probiotics since last year in America. They are enriched with enzymes, and have been developed after careful DNA studies. On Amazon Italy there is a product called Life Extension – FlorAssist GI, which is available in other formulas: for immune well-being, for the oral cavity, etc.
- Organic, grass fed, locally farmed food.
Perhaps we have to thank the Paleo for this, but also in Italy there is increasing attention to eco-sustainable crops and farms. Animals raised only on grass have become a reality in many Italian places. In this article, I’ll explain the nutritional differences between grass-fed and intensively farmed meat. Not only. Same thing also applies to milk. Goat, camel, donkey milk, also in the form of whey and organic proteins. - Degreased or desoleated oilseed flours.
This is a new trend that I quite agree with: almond flour or peanut powder with reduced fat content, after the debut of degreased coconut flour for some years already. Bell Plantation PB2 Peanut Powder: Two teaspoons of mix, which when added to water provides about 15-16 grams of homemade, additive-free peanut butter, has 45 calories. Against 90 of traditional peanut butter. Desoleated almond flour is made by FeelGood, and has about 250 calories less than regular almond flour per 100 grams.
- Collagen-based products.
They are powdered products, which contain marine or bovine collagen from organic farms. Rich in proteins and in particular in glycine, they are an excellent help for skin, hair, nails, joints, but also for reducing stress and improving digestion and metabolism. This is the collagen-based product that I use: Hydrolyzed Collagen Powder by NutriZing.
- And those based on hemp.
CBD oil is very popular due to its effects on stress, pain, mood and concentration thanks to its cannabidiol content. There are also Organic Hemp Gummies. But it doesn’t stop there. A new study says it also promotes weight loss.
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