Diet soups? Try beetroot

Diet soups? Try beetroot

This easy and rewarding soup, which Corriere della Sera defines as Cuban soup , has been one of my favorite diet soups for a very long time , and I definitely love it still now.

Rich in vitamin C, satiating and very appetizing, it is a low-calorie soup that, for those who love diet soups as a meal replacement, cannot miss.

The recipe that I will give you has two variations.
One with tomato and pepper sauce, one traditional with celeriac. Here they are.


  • First , boil the vegetables .
    You will need a cup of boiled beetroot cut into chunks + a cup of boiled celeriac (or pumpkin) in chunks (to get a cup of cooked vegetables, weigh about 300 grams raw for each vegetable). As an alternative to celeriac or pumpkin: half a cup of red pepper, raw, finely chopped + half a cup of tomato sauce.
    The dose is for two people.
  • Cook the vegetables in a cup and a half of beef broth (perfect even with bone only) with a finely chopped red or copper onion, for about 10 minutes to a quarter of an hour.
    If the mixture seems too thick, dilute with water.
  • Then add 10 grams of butter or oil, a splash of lemon or lime juice, salt and pepper. You can also add one of the following spices during cooking: curry, turmeric or paprika (sweet or spicy).
  • Serve with a tablespoon of whole greek yogurt each or, for those who find it, a tablespoon of sour cream
    The calories? About 220 per serving.
    Among the diet soups it is the one I prefer. The vegetables chosen, even with the variant, are antioxidants and very nutritious. In addition, for beetroot, it is perfect for those who play sports.

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