Diet for psoriasis: the case of Hanna and her book “Radiant”

Diet for psoriasis: the case of Hanna and her book “Radiant”

Can the diet reduce or even reverse psoriasis symptoms? The English Hanna Sillitoe, originally from Manchester, would tell you yes: after suffering for years from a severe form of psoriasis to which were added inflammatory problems that included the kidneys, eczema and acne and having tried all the therapies available up to chemotherapy , Hanna used nutrition as a weapon against her illness . Her intuition was successful and today Hanna has collected her experience in a book, Radiant , in which she explains how she came to develop her diet for psoriasis, and lists a series of recipes and paths for those who like her have had severe skin problems.

Basically, explains Hanna in the various interviews, psoriasis and intestinal flora are closely linked : for this reason, the first phase of her anti-psoriasis diet was very restrictive. In fact, the first month Hanna had an essentially vegan and raw diet, where the only foods she ate were fruit, vegetables and oilseeds, in the form of centrifuged juices. After ten days, Hanna’s skin, which usually had to bandage herself to leave the house, improved significantly, and the signs of psoriasis, in the form of extensive red spots and skin rashes that completely covered her arms and legs, were considerably lessened. and as if burned. Subsequently, Hanna adopted a restricted lacto-ovovegetarian paleo autoimmune protocol,and  with the only difference of preferring fruit and vegetables, preferably raw and uncooked. Basically, the diet for psoriasis that Hanna talks about includes the following foods daily:
– fruit and vegetables preferably raw apart from solanaceae (so only sweet potatoes are ok) and algae
– cold centrifuged fruit and vegetables
– oilseeds (from dried fruit oil seeds)
– coconut, cocoa, spices, aromatic herbs
– eggs
– gluten-free cereals and false cereals
– olive or coconut oil
To this list are added some exceptions: some types of soy such as edamame green beans, cheese goat (which is low in lactose), legumes such as peas or chickpeas.
To non-foods (gluten, meat, solanaceous, industrial sugar, cheese and dairy products) Hanna has also added alcohol, becoming a teetotaler.

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