Diet for menopause for weight loss

Diet for menopause for weight loss

This article collects all the advice of nutritionists and experts to lose weight in menopause.
These are the articles that I find most useful for my readers, because unlike others, they allow you to identify a clear and shared strategy. Otherwise we are forced to read thousands of different things and then it is difficult to put everything into practice. Here, on the other hand, the practical approach is the goal I set myself. Especially in the case of the menopausal diet which is a complex situation in which many factors play.

How to lose weight in menopause?

A proper menopause diet includes these things.

  1. An increased intake of foods that contain calcium. Dairy products can be chosen without lactose, because with menopause we have more digestive difficulties.
  2. More attention to the consumption of sugars and alcohol, and in particular to the glycemic index of foods. This thing my readers often find complicated. They ask me if they have to eat whole foods, which they may not digest.
    Absolutely not! It is enough that each of our meals contains equal amounts of proteins and carbohydrates, + fiber. For example breakfast with Greek yogurt and fruit or a slice of bread with jam. An omelette of two egg whites + a spoonful of buckwheat or oat flour, stuffed with a spoonful of ricotta and one of honey. A glass of skim or soy milk + 2 biscuits of your choice + a dozen almonds.
    Lunch with half a plate of pasta + vegetables and a portion of crustaceans and molluscs or legumes. Dinner with meat, vegetables and a small side of potatoes or a fruit salad instead of potatoes. Here I’ll explain how to reduce the glycemic load of meals.
  3. Increased consumption of protein. A protein food must be contained at every meal.
  4. More attention to the digestibility of food. Avoiding a high gluten diet (only one food that contains gluten per day), avoiding the association of multiple different carbohydrates in a single meal. By making smaller meals.
  5. A day of a compensatory diet every time you fail at the table. For example, following Dr. Flachi’s Monday diet.

Now let’s see the expert advice in more detail.

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