Diet for breakfast: here’s how to start losing weight

Diet for breakfast: here’s how to start losing weight

Eating the wrong things for breakfast is the best way to gain weight , according to research from the University of Alabama .

Paying attention to what you eat for breakfast is the first step in losing weight. Researchers argue that we need to eat, but in the right way. In the article they published in the magazine Appetite , we read that the worst breakfast if you don’t want to get fat is the one that combines foods with a high glycemic index and low fat: skimmed and sweetened milk with white bread and jam is a prime example.

Conversely, the best breakfast for weight loss combines low glycemic index fats and carbohydrates: yogurt or whole milk with unsweetened cereals or oat flakes, or unsweetened jam and cottage cheese on rye bread, eggs and ham or bread. nuts with cheese and unsweetened tea.
In particular, a handful of walnuts, almonds or pistachios for breakfast will increase your sense of satiety.

Let’s now look at the breakfasts of some of the most famous diets, if they support or demolish the Alabama researchers’ thesis. Do the breakfasts of the Paleo, Dukan or Zona diets, for example, make you lose weight or gain weight?

Coconut milk fruit smoothie.
Fruit salad of berries, nuts and coffee.
Baked apples with walnuts and cinnamon.

Coffee, fat-free Greek yogurt with a teaspoon of oat bran and fat-free cooked ham.
A coffee milkshake with skim milk + a low-fat yogurt.

Yogurt, fruit and bresaola, tea or carcadè.
Scrambled eggs with one yolk and three whites plus fruit and tea.
Ricotta and bresaola plus fruit or wholemeal bread.

These diets all have breakfasts that researchers would approve of. So what’s the typical breakfast that would put us on weight? Puffed cereals with skim milk are the worst way to start the day or a cappuccino with bread and jam.

A breakfast for those like me who tend to follow the Mediterranean diet is the following.

Coffee / tea sweetened with stevia / fructose / sugar free.
Wholemeal bread or oats or all bran cereals.
Ricotta or yogurt or whole or semi-skimmed milk.
Cow butter / peanut butter or almond / walnut or hazelnut (don’t overdo it)

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