Diet drinks cause overweight

Diet drinks cause overweight

A new study on light and dietary drinks , namely Coca cola light, all carbonated drinks with zero calories, various flavored teas and those drinks with red, white or green fruits or those “flavored” health waters with zero calories , has established that all this sideshow in liquid form would make you fat , not lose weight. Yes, I announce to sailors: sweetened drinks, whether they are carbonated or flavored waters, make you fat . In fact, the researchers found a close correlation between the consumption of these drinks and body fat: the study , which appeared in  the Journal of the American Geriatrics Society, established thatover nine years, people who consumed light drinks of any kind had three times more abdominal fat than those who drank regular drinks (wine, tea with honey, fruit juice, beer). Abdominal fat is the most dangerous, according to doctors, because it is a visceral fat, therefore it affects our internal organs, and is also generally linked to metabolic diseases, such as diabetes and metabolic syndrome in general. There are two problems: if it is true that sweetened drinks cause the development of abdominal fat in the long term, what correlation is there in general between the use of sweeteners (i.e. all those sweeteners that give the sweet taste but not the calories) and body fat?

And is there a difference between artificial and natural sweeteners? According to the authors of the study, the correlation would be between the use of zero calorie sweeteners and being overweight, regardless of the type of sweetener used : they explained that a problem occurs in the body when the sweet taste of a food does not derive calories , energy that the body expects, as the information of the sweet taste is passed to the brain, which has triggered a series of reactions prior to verifying whether or not the calories arrived with the food. When this doesn’t happen, the body gets confused, and this confusion alters our metabolism. The advice is therefore toavoid all sweeteners with zero or near calories, and not just diet drinks.

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