Diet and sex, how food affects us

Diet and sex, how food affects us

food itselfDo you know that food can improve or land libido and our sexual performance? If dieting is depressing, the effects of poor nutrition are even more discouraging on both fertility and desire. Let’s not pretend it doesn’t concern us. After all, if we go on a diet it is not only to please us, but also to please others. Here are the things you may not know about the relationship between the food you choose to eat and your sex life.
How diet affects sex
1) Alcohol lowers libido:
 drinking too much affects sexual desire, eliminating it. Men lose erections easily when they drink more and women do not reach orgasm easily.

2) A higher consumption of fruits and vegetables improves sexual performance, because it increases the levels of arginine.  
3) Fast food fries reduce libido and the quality of male semen. 
Bad fats from stir-fries damage male fertility.
4) Candy, cookies and industrial baked goods increase the risk of infections.
5) Even occasional binges cancel out the performances …
 You can’t make love with a full stomach. And if he overindulges us even once a week, the quality of our love life suffers.
Once we see what makes our life worse between the sheets, what are the foods that make it better? 
First of all, the rule of healthy eating applies, and natural foods as much as possible. If, on the other hand, we are talking about real foods, shellfish, fruit, vegetables, whole grains and cocoa are the most aphrodisiac foods, which increase libido and the level of certain performances. Seeing is believing. It costs nothing and badly you enjoyed yourself.

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