Diet and gym for the rich, pills (and prayers) for the poor

Diet and gym for the rich, pills (and prayers) for the poor

diet and gymnasiumI read my usual press review on diets and come across this disconcerting news : according to a study that analyzed the lifestyles of those who go on a diet according to income brackets, the richest people choose to diet to lose weight and gym , smashing their rears in exercises, sweating like running horses, eating fruit and vegetables, limiting excesses, while the poorer ones spend money to buy the fat-burning supplement, the pill they see on TV, or even skip meals just to lose weight. In short, it seems strange that those who earn a lot do not resort to money to get fit, but to the cheapest thing in the world, but more valid, like going on a diet (less fat and less sugar) and exercising (nothing there, you just have to move ), while those who can’t afford much try to spend money on unsuccessful diet shortcuts , such as the pill, fasting, supplement

This should be eye opening. It is important news, because it breaks down a cliché: the one for which famous and rich people who knows what they do to keep fit (imagining blood baths, miraculous concoctions, machines that tan and sculpt the body), while those who are poor must resign yourself to staying fat. Instead, diet and the gym are confirmed as the only way to lose weight. Regardless of when we have in our pockets

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