Detox tea, be careful not to overdo it

Detox tea, be careful not to overdo it

And in short, you know when you read that you need to drink four or five liters of water to detoxify, perhaps in the form of herbal teas, perhaps for a few days, especially after a few binges? These are extreme tips that, however, are read recurrently especially on the web and which are the basis of drastic protocols such as the lemon diet, teatox regimes (where you take doses of detox tea with natural extracts accompanied by a strong consumption of liquids ). You seriously risk getting sick , as happened to this 47-year-old English woman, who according to the doctors who reported the case in the British Medical Journal Case Reports was hospitalized with very low sodium values, due to a regimen of tea. rather drastic detox that involved high amounts of water.

The family members said that for a few days, the woman had been drinking large quantities of detox tea and purifying herbal teas purchased on the internet: the detox teas had green tea, milk thistle and other extracts of natural origin. 
As doctors say, natural products are not without side effects, contrary to what one might think: as I always say, hemlock is also natural. 
Having had a case of hyponatremia that caused me to be hospitalized, I know how much the advice to drink a lot of water, where indiscriminately it is recommended to drink up to 5 liters of water and herbal teas, so you purify yourself, can be harmful to the health, and make us risk an electrolyte failure: the English woman was in fact hospitalized in intensive care ( source).
Recently, other episodes have occurred that have as protagonists people victims of purifying supplements and herbal teas purchased on the internet. The recommendation is always the same: a cup, yes. Mash without eating no.

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