Detox diet, are there any contraindications?

Detox diet, are there any contraindications?

Within a couple of years, the detox diet has become not only very popular , but also a big business: even in Italy there are companies that sell detox packages, for example soups and juices, to be done for a period of 3-4 days. up to a week or 10 days in a row. There are and circulate on the web pages recipes for extreme detox diets, for example the Master Cleanse or the detox of Chinese herbs , but almost always by detox diet we mean this: a liquid or semi-liquid diet, made of herbal teas or juices or supplements, which includes a period of half-fasting to another of partial reintegration of solid foods. All in the name of detoxification and help to the liver, intestines and kidneys, which however collects dissent and skepticism from most doctors.And also in those who have done the detox diet. As in this article appeared for The Guardian, where an Australian journalist tells her experience: lost 14 kilos, but recovered with interests within two years.
And a series of small side effects that detox dieters should think about first

saranno il digiuno e la chetosi, ma chi fa una dieta liquida o di semidigiuno spesso soffre di un’alitosi pestilenziale.
L’asocialità: se fai il detox non puoi frequentare gente che ti beve e mangia davanti, e che a differenza tua ha scelto di non preoccuparsi di dover aiutare il fegato in alcun modo, forse perché sa che ci pensa da solo. Moltissime persone alle prese con la dieta detox, finiscono per starsene barricate in casa finché possono. Vi faccio tanti auguri per le ore in ufficio.
Inizialmente sembri uno straccio, poi la situazione migliora.
La prima settimana è la più dura.
Avrai fantasie di cibo per tutto il tempo, e lo sognerai di notte. 
Typical hungry body alarm. A precise signal, so we shouldn’t be surprised when, by returning to eat, we magically regain weight.
You will be obsessed with food – see above.
You may be suffering from colic, or other somewhat embarrassing intestinal phenomena. This is why it may not be a bad idea to be near the bathroom in our house.

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