Deflate your belly with the advice of Dr. Papavasileiou

Deflate your belly with the advice of Dr. Papavasileiou

Deflate the belly is one of the main worries of my readers: many write to me asking how to deal with a swollen stomach, if there are simple remedies and eating habits that can eliminate, or at least limit the problem. And in fact on my blog I wrote about it extensively, but this time I decided to give you an undoubtedly more authoritative opinion, that of a nutritionist and dietician who is enjoying incredible success in Italy thanks also to the advice she provides in the context of a healthy diet. and quality.

I’m talking about Dr. Maria Papavasileiou, the most famous nutritionist on the web, whose facebook page, Personalized Diet , has exceeded eight hundred thousand contacts and which she receives in Milan, as well as providing remote dietary advice and collaborating with various national newspapers on the issues of correct Power supply. Let’s see with her what are the strategies to deflate the belly, if we have to prefer certain foods, limit others and what other good habits to take. As Dr. Papavasileiou explains to us on the phone, belly swelling is a widespread problem especially among women, and the causes can be many, including poor digestion and an inflammatory state that can also lead to disorders such as irritable bowel, colitis, diverticulitis. If an inflammatory intestinal disorder is suspected (for example, if the swelling in the belly is persistent and related to other symptoms), it is good to contact a gastroenterologist, who will probably provide us with a specific dietary protocol.

But, if instead a pathology could be ruled out, are there any tips to deflate the belly that we can implement?
Doctor Papavasileiou first of all emphasizes the importance of a healthy and balanced diet to limit symptoms, and the correction of any habits: she recommends having small but frequent meals, cooked in a lighter way and with less fat.
Another important tip is to exclude foods that contain gluten, milk and dairy products; both gluten and lactose can trigger intestinal irritation and cause swelling in sensitive individuals. Instead of bread and pasta, therefore, we can opt for pseudocereals such as amaranth, buckwheat or quinoa. We can cook the vegetables preferably by steaming, and limit the choice of vegetables, legumes and fruit to the recommendations that our doctor gives us. Finally, another little piece of advice that doctor Maria Papavasileiou gives us is to drink fennel and ginger herbal teas, perfect for deflating the stomach, after a meal or during the day.

If you want to ask the doctor for a consultation, and you want competent help to review your diet, I invite you to contact her here .

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