Dcomedieta’s tips for losing weight very easy

Dcomedieta’s tips for losing weight very easy

Let’s say you want to lose weight and are looking for tips to lose weight: I can suggest calculators to calculate your daily energy needs, training plans, applications to count the right amount of macronutrients and also the calories expended with physical activity .

Let’s say you want to lose weight but you don’t want any of what I just told you: you don’t want to calculate, you don’t like apps, you don’t want to keep macronutrients in mind, like calories.

So what to do? Here are some tips to lose weight very easy, so you can lose weight without going crazy and understand on the fly which is the ideal plan for you.


1) An average woman to lose weight must take between 1200 and 1500 calories, a man from 1700 to 2000 approximately.

2) You should NEVER start immediately from the most drastic diet : this is one of the most important tips for losing weight you can find; try a 1500 calorie scheme if you are a woman and 2000 if you are a man and monitor your body weight : if you lose weight continue with the initial regimen and do not choose the drastic one to lose weight faster. Below you will find examples of 1500, 1400, 1300 and 1200 calorie diets.

I advise you to start with the less drastic one if you are not very overweight , that is, if you have to lose less than 15 kilos and you are of average build. If, on the other hand, you are more overweight than the always valid advice to contact a nutritionist or dietician, it is likely that even 1500 calories to start are few . In this case, add 100 grams of lean meat or fish to the 1500 calorie scheme and an extra fruit of your choice.

. 3) If you don’t want to count calories, count portions – it’s a super easy way to lose weight. You must eat at least 4 portions of vegetables (therefore two large plates per meal) boiled or grilled or in salads with one or two teaspoons of oil for lunch and dinner; three small portions of fruit a day.

Two servings of meat, fish or eggs, tempeh or tofu or seitan the size of the palm of your hand a day, four servings if you are a man. Up to three servings of bread, pasta or rice, breakfast cereals the size of your fist, counted raw; 4 if you are a man. A tablespoon of oil per meal. Don’t sweeten but use a sweetener.

Allowed daily extras : a fat-free yogurt or 200 ml of skimmed milk; 2-3 cubes of chocolate or half a glass of wine (one if you are a man); a piece of cheese the exact size and length of your thumb.

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