Dcomedieta’s quarantine diary: here’s how I deal with it

Dcomedieta’s quarantine diary: here’s how I deal with it

Let’s be clear, I have not been quarantined for the Coronavirus, but I have friends who unfortunately are in quarantine, and let’s say that mine is a voluntary quarantine, born from the March decree.

At the request of some readers, I want to offer you my quarantine diary.

Consider that I work from home, so compared to other people, such as my husband or his family or my mother, my routine has changed little, but it can be helpful for those who want practical suggestions.

I have many of them and in various articles I have already talked about them: I often follow the things I write on Dcomedieta too, and I must say with excellent results. I mean, this is my quarantine diary.



For shopping, I relied on two different services, except for some necessity purchases, but it happens once a week. A national online shopping service, one of those who deliver every 2-3 weeks, however, to organize my pantry. Another citizen if I don’t go shopping.

Look for the service well, do not underestimate the regional agri-food companies, such as farms and the like. Especially if your postcode is excluded from national services. You can also write to me and I will gladly help you. I had posted some suggestions here. 

Pantry shopping. I have bought and am buying these foods.

  • Corn pasta and traditional pasta, rice.
  • Sauce and tomatoes in natural preserves.
  • Vegetables in natural preserves (no oil) or soaked (with vinegar, such as pickled vegetables).
  • Natural tuna in glass or cod in glass or mackerel. Stews and broths in a glass jar with a little olive oil.
  • Dried vegetables.
  • Corn and buckwheat flour for pancakes on the fly, wheat (I use the zero).
  • Honey. Fruit compotes. Non-concentrated juices, usually citrus fruit.
  • Some jam and canned fruit that I use to make sweets.
  • Coffee, salt. Emergency box bread if I don’t make it at home. Freeze-dried yeast and for sweets.
  • Long-life milk, condensed milk (I use it in desserts instead of butter and sugar), cocoa, emergency sugar.
  • Potatoes.
  • Household things (paper, detergents).
  • This expense costs me about a hundred euros (in order to have free shipping costs) and I do it once or twice a month.When the courier arrives, I have the packages left outside the door, go out with a mask, shoes and gloves, unpack everything, disinfect the packages and take them home.

I need it as a base. Let me explain why I chose this idea. ( CONTINUED ON PAGE 2 )

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