Dcomedieta’s online coaching service is active

Dcomedieta’s online coaching service is active


Are you unable to have a stable relationship with food, have weight problems, are unable to stay on a diet and feel that you are not in full control of your diet? Then read more about my online coaching service.
Do you have incorrect eating habits and you do not know how to change, you do not feel comfortable in your body, you would like a more peaceful relationship with food and the classic diets so far have not solved your weight problems?
Do you think you have some metabolism problems? Then, definitely, keep reading.

Dcomedieta’s online coaching service is born

Dcomedieta.it can help you, through the online coaching service for holistic wellbeing.

What does holistic well-being mean and how does the online coaching service work?

By holistic well-being I mean the ability to feel good about ourselves and our body at 360 °, which is reflected in feeling good in one’s environment and in relationship with others. Each of us has our own personal history, but beyond this it is not a closed system , but from birth it is open to the world and its dynamics.

These dynamics are reflected in our metabolism, which, as an adaptive mechanism, allows our mind-body axis to maintain homeostasis and balance.

To understand what I mean, imagine a plant for a moment.

A plant generally needs soil, water, natural light: try to move a plant from the place where it is exposed to light to another place where there is less. You will see that with the passage of time the thinner and more plastic stems of the plant will lengthen, tending towards the light, even if far away.

A phenomenon known as heliotropism , which mainly concerns the youngest flowering stem plants and is for example typical of sunflowers. Heliotropism is both a diurnal phenomenon that has genetic causes, therefore intrinsic to the plant system, and a phenomenon that acts on a hormonal level and that allows the plant to adapt to the environment, seeking the most favorable conditions to grow. It is therefore an adaptive phenomenon.

The person system is more complex than a sunflower, because the environment is more complex and because our metabolism is. The human metabolism, as a whole, is so intricate that to imagine it, it thinks that it resembles, in all its processes, the urban transport lines of all the largest cities in the world put together! Basically, however, it is an adaptive mechanism between internal and external processes. The person remains at the center, but everything is mobile and calls for different responses.

Metabolism in a holistic system

Food, being something fundamental for our survival, translates into eating behaviors which in turn should not be taken in isolation, but in the complex of other behaviors. Such as stress reactions, circadian rhythms, lifestyle, emotional and psychological spheres in general, hormonal variations and more.

This is why a person with dietary problems often has a hard time making sense of, and sometimes feels like they have a kind of “crazy metabolism”. Many of these problems are related to others and may not be solved with a standard dietary approach. Sometimes yes sometimes no.

But what does that “sometimes not” depend on?
Here, my approach is to discover that “sometimes not”. I do this by listening to that person’s needs, trying to understand how they relate to their environment, their difficulties and problems that have so far prevented them from having a lifestyle that made them feel good.
This is what my online coaching service is all about.

How can I help you

  • If you want to contact me for the online coaching service, write an email to d@dcomedieta.it telling me about your problems with nutrition, weight and lifestyle. Together we will try to orient ourselves and find tailor-made solutions.
  • My intervention is not to give a diet, since I have studied bio-nutrition, but I am neither a dietician nor a nutritionist. If you want to lose weight, you can take a cue from my diet guides , find yours and tell your doctor.
  • Likewise, if you think your disorder is an eating disorder or ACD, I can’t help you.
  • But if so far the diets have failed, you do not feel comfortable in your body or in relation to your diet, you would like to improve but so far you have only found dead ends and temporary solutions, I can help you.
  • The service is based on interviews via Skype, Google Meet, Whatsapp video calls or Zoom.
  • They last one hour, cost 50 euros and included 15 post-meeting emails where you can ask me all the questions you want.
  • Following our first call, you will receive an attached report with my solutions for you.
  • You can pay me by bank transfer or via paypal.

My idea is that of an intervention that is as decisive as possible, so I will be clear and will provide you with practical information.
Mine is not psychotherapy and usually the interviews can be one a month or two a month, but for a limited time. It may take just one or five, but not twenty or thirty. My goal is to make you autonomous as a person, and not a slave to a method. Likewise, I only agree to take care of cases where I know I can give a hand in practice.
So if this service interests you, contact me, tell me about you and your problems, if they are in line with what I can offer we will start together as soon as possible.

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