Dancing makes you lose weight: just do as she does

Dancing makes you lose weight: just do as she does

dietaballandoIs it possible to lose weight while dancing ? Not only is it possible, but even advisable for those who are allergic and not very interested in sports and gymnastics. With dancing, weight loss is guaranteed: it is an aerobic activity that involves the whole body and makes you lose a lot of calories without realizing it. Being an engaging activity , it can also happen that you have fun and that weight loss thus becomes a side effect that changes your life. If you don’t feel like joining the gym and you are a sedentary person, dancing is for you. Do not think it will not work, because now I am talking about Angela B., the American woman who by going to dance has revolutionized her life in an extraordinary way: like many, Angela has always suffered from serious overweight problems ( here the images ). Her life changed when a friend insisted that he accompany her to a group dance session last year. Angela wanted to refuse, she found it embarrassing, but how to say no to a friend who is ashamed of going alone? She initially limited herself to following from a corner, used to be upholstery all her life: tall and fat, she was always the fattest of any group. But this time, the music and the general entertainment, as well as the involvement of all the participants, allowed Angela to overcome her shyness and start moving. She has never stopped. She ended up going dancing five days a week and little by little she also revolutionized her diet, driven by the exciting results that dancing had had on her figure.. You will tell me: ok, but why tell us about this story? Well, because in my opinion everything is in the courage with which one faces things the first time, and because dancing with a friend or a friend or even a relative could improve our life and weight. In fact, dancing allows you to burn at least 400 calories per hour. Angela started at 42 for the first time in her life. Why do n’t you leave your desk now and go find out about the dance classes in your city? You might have some nice surprises!

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