Daily energy requirement: the more you cut, the more you get fatter

Daily energy requirement: the more you cut, the more you get fatter

daily energy requirement more cuts more fat

A new study confirms what previous studies had already hypothesized on the effects of low-calorie diets and food sacrifices.

If on the first term they make you lose weight, in the long run always staying on a diet makes you fat.

According to researchers at Harvard Medical School in Boston , in fact, those who were always on a diet tended, as they got older, to gain an average of 880 grams of weight a year, especially for women.

The people who gained the least weight, on average 500 grams per year, were the people who had eaten not less, but better in nine years.

That is, choosing more products of plant origin and moving more, without cutting calories from their daily energy needs.

As I said at the beginning, this is not the first time that a study has tackled the paradox of diets , whereby the more you diet, the more fat you get. I’ll explain why in some places.

Personal trainer Scott Abel had already written a book on this same subject , based on previous research, including one from the 1993 University of Geneva ( here ).

While the exact figures have never been stated with certainty and this must be said, it is common knowledge that most dieters tend to regain the weight they lost with interest.

We can argue that it happens 8 times out of 10 or 9 times out of 10 depending on the studies analyzed, but still we are dealing with important data, with a majority of people. 

This is because metabolism slows down and the effect of food deprivation triggers unwanted effects , such as nervous hunger, and a tendency to compensate for non-exercise-induced thermogenesis with reduced neat.

Put simply: you binge more, you are slower throughout the day and you burn fewer calories.

Do you want to give it a try?

Well, in the table taken by Corriere della Sera, in the article citing the Boston study, there is a reflection of the daily energy needs of men and women by age group .

The sample subjects are considered to have a sedentary lifestyle and a modest height.

Now compare the calories you consume with the calorie ceiling indicated for age.
And if you lead a more active life, for example gym 2-3 times a week, walking every day, hard work, etc., consider that the estimate will be at a loss.

Do you eat less than your daily energy requirement should be according to the Italian Society of Human Nutrition ?
Well, then you will tend to gain more weight.

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