Copious hair loss: what foods to eat?
I have copious hair loss , especially in summer, so much that I have a thinning. I take care given by the hairdresser with anti-hair loss lotions and supplements in capsules … in the winter the fall is considerably reduced and I have a gradual but not very satisfying thickening. I would like some advice, how to supplement my diet with the most suitable minerals for my problem that often repeats … my thyroid is fine and I follow the blood group diet . I thank
Health Answers
Good morning. We should understand the reason for the thinning ( dandruff ?, Stress ?) And the general psychophysical situation. . Why does he lose more in the summer? However, in the case of oily skin and hair , with a lot of sebum or dandruff, it is necessary to review the diet, limiting or eliminating dairy products. A mineral that is very useful for strengthening hair, and not only that, is Silicon . It is present in Millet, Garlic, Onion .. It can be taken in the form of: supplement (trace element Silicon 1 ampoule of 2 ml per day for some periods); Equisetum herbal tea 80% and nettle leaves 20%; No contraindications. The same herbal tea in the form of a pack is applied (filtered) on the scalp and hairafter shampooing, it is left to absorb for at least 10 minutes. Rinse lightly with water only. Very effective, it immediately makes the hair stronger and more resistant.

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