Conjunctivitis in dogs and cats, all the remedies

Conjunctivitis in dogs and cats, all the remedies

The eyes of the dog  and cat are the word they miss and communicate with us in an unequivocal way. Perhaps this is why when these same eyes have some problems, worry is immediately triggered. Natural remedies can help in less severe cases. Let’s find out what they are.

>   1. What is conjunctivitis

>   2. Symptoms of conjunctivitis

>   3. Dog conjunctivitis: natural cures and remedies

>   4. Conjunctivitis in cats: natural cures and remedies

Eyes of the cat

What is conjunctivitis

Conjunctivitis is inflammation of the conjunctiva , the transparent membrane that covers the eyeball connecting it to the eyelids.


Symptoms of conjunctivitis

The first symptom of conjunctivitis is a change in color of the conjunctiva membrane : from white and red to bright pink. The eyelids may swell, tearing becomes excessive, crusts may appear on the eyelid rim. 


Dog conjunctivitis: natural cures and remedies

A minor conjunctivitis in dogs can very often be solved directly at home with simple and effective natural remedies , such as:

  • Chamomile : in case of eyelid redness and swelling it is very useful to clean the dog’s eyelids, externally and without rubbing, with cold cotton compresses well soaked in a light infusion of chamomile (if the infusion is too strong it can stain the fur of those dogs from the white coat). Chamomile has excellent antibacterial , antifungal and analgesic properties that make it an excellent remedy in case of infection.
  • Witch hazel : Distilled witch hazel water is used to make eye wraps and washes. Witch hazel is a medicinal plant with analgesic-anti-inflammatory properties that help in the treatment of dog conjunctivitis.

The following Bach flowers can be added to both remedies :  Crab Apple, Vervain and Agrimony . A drop of each flower at each cleaning is enough to decongest and remove the annoyance. Ideal would be to make real compresses. 


Conjunctivitis in cats: natural cures and remedies

As for the dog, even for cats a mild conjunctivitis can be solved directly at home with chamomile (very useful to clean the cat’s eyelids, externally and without rubbing, with cold cotton compresses well soaked in a light infusion of chamomile), or with witch hazel (used witch hazel distilled water to make eye wraps and washes). 

The following Bach flowers can be added to both remedies:

  • Crab Apple , 
  • Vervain ,
  • Agrimony .

A single drop of each flower will be enough for each cleaning to decongest the eye and remove the discomfort. Ideal would be to make real wraps. 


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