Coconut milk, three ways to prepare it at home
In these days I have experimented with 3 recipes to prepare a vegetable milk with coconut , not to be confused with “coconut milk”.
Real coconut milk is what is used for the preparation of curries and other oriental recipes, it is thick and creamy and has about 200 calories per 100 gr.
It is bought in portions of about 200/300 ml, in jars or in small minibrick packs.
The smaller package costs around two euros.
Unlike coconut milk such as Alpro’s, which is a coconut-flavored drink , it comes in a large package and has a minimal percentage of coconut, but it is mostly water.
The cost of coconut milk exceeds 3 euros, and can be found both in organic shops and in larger supermarkets.
However, there is the possibility of making a plant-based coconut milk (like that of Alpro) in 3 quick ways, at a price ranging from one euro and fifty up to two-three euro, and which can take about an hour. and a half to ten minutes of your time.
Here are 3 ways to make coconut milk , or the vegetable drink that we can drink to replace cow’s milk in the morning, but above all to replace soy milk.
- The super-easy method.
Just buy a package of real coconut milk, the one in minibrick for € 2 and 60.
You can find it from the organic, otherwise buy the largest can, and freeze about half of it to use the rest. For every 100 ml of real coconut milk, about 3/4 of a liter of water should be added.
With a 200 ml bottle you make one and a half liters. The calories are about 30 for every 100 grams of finished milk. The procedure is simple. Take the coconut milk, add a generous teaspoon of coconut sugar, or agave syrup or quality honey and a generous pinch of whole salt. Mix well and add a cup of water a little at a time.
Pour the contents into a bottle and add all the rest of the water. Stop. Save a euro for a drink with a higher concentration of coconut than the drink you bought. Keep the bottle in the fridge, and shake it slightly before serving. - The easy way.
It is made with coconut flour. My recipe also includes skimmed milk, but if you want 100% vegetable milk, you have to buy half a kilo of coconut flour and pour over a liter of hot / boiling water (otherwise only half boiling water, half a liter, and cold you will add skimmed milk after half an hour).
So you have to wait for about an hour, then filter everything, but having the foresight to collect the flour and squeeze it well with gauze or a clean cloth to let out more substance.
The flour can be used for biscuits or cakes, I freeze it too. A liter of milk comes, to which a pinch of whole salt and a teaspoon of sugar or honey must always be added. - The classic method.
It is made with coconut.
If you find it at a good price (I find it for one euro), buy it, break it, keep the water aside.
Remove the zest from the pieces and put them in a large blender with a cup of boiling water. Blend well and dilute with the remaining hot water, filter everything, always squeezing the pulp with a cloth, and transfer the water into a bottle. For 300 grams of coconut you get about two liters of coconut milk if you are careful to also add its original water which, giving more flavor, allows its dilution.
Without coconut water, you get a liter and three quarters of it.
This is the cheapest method, but also the most tiring.
Personally I have tried all three: the third is the tastiest, but my husband prefers the first over all. And I can handle it in a few minutes.
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