Chronic back pain, what to do?

Chronic back pain, what to do?

Greetings! I am 22 years old and for about a year I have been going on with back pain every day, but I don’t always feel the pain in a specific point, as a beginning maybe I feel it at the bottom and slowly rises upwards. I went to the osteopath , but no results and now I’m going to the physiotherapist , but in these two days I still started the severe pain … I don’t know what to do anymore

Health Answers

Luciana Nani
Good morning. A constant but itinerant pain could indicate a problem other than structural or postural ones, which is why the osteopath’s intervention was not decisive. The cause could have a food origin. I recommend that you consult a naturopath who, through careful evaluations of your lifestyle and personalized advice, could be of greater help. Regards Luciana Nani – Crystal therapist naturopath

Dear girl, I advise you to contact your trusted doctor who will surely make you do all the necessary checks for a correct diagnosis of your problem. Once the cause of the pain has been ascertained, you will be able to choose more clearly which path to take to resolve her. A cordial greeting Dr. Manuela Gravante health and psychosomatic well-being

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Dearest, I can speculate that your back pain may actually be due to visceral problems. In some cases, the intestines or kidneys or still other similar situations can cause symptoms similar to the one you described but also stress. The advice that seems most professional to me is to talk to your doctor. Kind regards Cinzia Zedda naturopath, reflexologist, iridologist – mindfulness instructor

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