Christmas holidays, last minute remedies for the lazy

Christmas holidays, last minute remedies for the lazy

Let ‘s say at the last moment you are worried about how much you will eat during the Christmas holidays , but you are too lazy to adopt remedies, you are too intelligent for extreme remedies, and you would like simple and effective solutions to not gain too much weight, because in a remote part of you, the one who feels the weight of her belly after having stopped eating, these endless libations worry . In this article I will include the last-minute solutions for the Christmas holidays. You already know some of them, but here I offer them in a very simplified version.

– On days 27 to 30, eat only vegetables, two fruits of your choice and protein foods of your choice, better vegetables (legumes, seitan, tempeh, tofu) than animals.
– Or opt for a strictly low-calorie 3-day diet, trying not to have food and remains of sweets in the pantry. Three days of vegetable dishes or soups are enough to greatly reduce the effect of the caloric surplus.
– Let’s say you don’t want to do these blessed 3 or 4 days in calorie reduction, neither from December 27th nor from January 2nd. At this point the trump card is to limit the damage during the holidays. For example, avoiding encores, alcohol, preferring the second dish to the first, eating little of everything, avoiding eating things that do not inspire you, because in that rich table there is always something that does not inspire you and you are eating a lot for. Or even, if you cook yourself: choosing lighter alternatives to the usual dishes.
And walking, walking, walking.
Unfortunately, these are the ways, that is, the most effective ways are always those that lead to a reduction in caloric surplus, in one way (by eating less afterwards) or in another (by controlling oneself more).

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