Chocolate slim… attention!

Chocolate slim… attention!

Today I want to talk to you about the slimming drink Chocolate slim , whose advertisements bordering on legal impressed me not only for their massive presence on social media, but also because they “play” with a very serious eating disorder, showing photos of very, very thin girls and suggesting that the product in question should NOT be taken, otherwise you will lose a lot of kilos and above all it cannot be abused, or you will reach 40 kilos of body weight as nothing.
Clearly, the alert is fake, the message “on the contrary” pushes people to buy the product, enticed by the strong weight loss, the photos of the girls are taken from the internet. But people fall for it, ending up paying 120 euros for a slimming drink that in theory should make you lose 12 kilos a month.and contain the following ingredients:
– ganoderma mushroom extract, green coffee, goji and acai berries, chia seeds, cocoa.

Now, apart from the fact that I have already expressed my doubts about ganoderma here , but green coffee has been known for years that it does not make you lose weight!
I was talking about it for a dietician in 2011 !!!

And we want to talk about the berries? Steps that are antioxidants, but this will certainly not be enough to make you lose weight.
What about chia seeds? For heaven’s sake, they satiate, they have omega3, but by themselves they don’t make you lose the pounds.
And finally the cocoa. Come on. Cocoa. If cocoa made you lose weight we would practically all be dragonflies. The famous “fat burning action” of certain foods, if any, is really negligible in terms of effective body weight loss. Just because something has a fat burning action doesn’t mean it will make you lose weight

, it means that it carries out an action, how much and how we do not know. To understand what this means, let’s think of our body as a building, and food x as a match. A match if lit emits the light of the flame, so it is not wrong to say that it has an “illuminating action”. But can we say that it can illuminate an entire building with its light?
It would be stupid to believe it, right? To illuminate a building it takes more!
Similarly, you have to think about the fat-burning action of certain foods.
Celery, for example, has a fat burning action. Because of its fibers and because of some antioxidant substances such as apigenin, we can actually say this. But what range of action does it have?
Here, remember the match.
And now let’s get back to Chocolate Slim. 
Assuming the above six ingredients are not weight loss, we find out by reading the ingredients that this weight loss drink doesn’t even have them. Fantastic! Just read the info on the product and read the reviews of those who bought it. And what does it contain then?

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