Chewing gum for weight loss?

Chewing gum for weight loss?

chewchew2-1078x516And now we come to a small question that many ask me: is it true that chewing gum makes you lose weight? In fact, many people believe that chewing gum between meals prevents nervous hunger and helps not to nibble between meals.
In fact, chewing gum offers far more disadvantages than advantages. Studies on the efficacy of chewing gum without sugar, but perhaps with sweeteners (such as xylitol) are conflicting: on the one hand it has been seen that those who chewed gum continuously tended to eat less between meals. However, there are drawbacks.

Does chewing gum make you fat or slim?
1) Continuous chewing without solid food intake can stimulate more gastric juices in the intestine, and interfere with hunger / satiety appetite hormones.
2) The additives and other substances present in chewing gum can alter the bacterial flora.

3) Sweeteners, releasing the sensation of chewing something sweet without releasing sugars, still create an insulin spike according to an impulse of the brain: this is what research established some time ago. 
4) According to another research , it seems that those who often chew gum eat less between meals, but more during main meals.
5) The same research has established that those who consume chewing gum eat less fruit and less natural foods, while preferring more junk food at main meals.
6) Finally, chewing gum creates air in the stomach.

But why chew gum? 
Many people chew gum precisely to stave off the urge to nibble non-stop and put something in their mouth: it is also the reason why many former smokers prefer chewing gum. But if we wanted to find alternatives, what could we eat?
If we do not suffer from hypertension, but we are hypotheses, the natural licorice stick, that is, without sugar, is ideal.
Otherwise a raw carrot, or two, between meals is a great snack, very healthy for those who need to lose weight, are stressed and perhaps often crave sweets.

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