Cheat day: why avoid the day off or meal off
In English, the verb to cheat indicates to cheat, transgress, violate the rules: in some compounds it can be used as “betray” (betray the husband, the wife) and is used both in the legal context and in various even more harmless expressions; for example, betraying someone’s trust or doing something unregulated, like a meal. The cheat day, or the day free from diets, becomes this: a day of transgression, in which to eat as much as you want and “betray” our diet, to be in a certain sense unfaithful to her. And already from the meaning, we understand how the day off the diet can turn into a crazy bounce, probably detrimental to nine out of ten people. Here I explain the reasons why if your diet includes a day off, that diet is not for you, while if you are virtuous for six days in a row and one go big, this behavior can worsen your relationship with food. rather than improve it.
1) First of all, let’s go back to the definition: the day off, of transgression. Ask yourself for a moment what diet you do, what kind of diet do you carry on and how do you consider the food you normally eat if you then need a day off once a week to “have fun” or “transgress”. Seriously, it looks like the prisoner’s air time. Is it possible that your normal diet is so frustrating that it requires a full day off in which to eat whatever you want at will? Couldn’t you eat in a varied but freer way during the week? Now you will respond in shock that no, it can’t be done because what you eat on cheat day is irreconcilable with a healthy diet. And we come to point two.
2) A healthy diet is also varied:if your normal diet seems like the canteen of the refectory, full of healthy and fair foods (the foods yes) while during the cheat day you are gorged on foods no, you could take a step back and consider what motivates you to divide foods into foods yes and foods no. A food that is absolutely bad does not exist, while many so-called healthy or harmless foods have several dark sides: think of the mercury in tuna. Think about pesticides in fruit. Also, in the light of the latest scientific research, if the eggs are ok, the fats are ok and a little bit of sugar allows you to live life with less stress, it really wouldn’t be better to put yourself in the perspective of ideas that you can eat everything, varying the quantities, when you want, and not crystallizing on the right foods and the wrong foods? Also…
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