Changing his diet made him lose 130 kg

Changing his diet made him lose 130 kg

Sean Anderson was a real internet celebrity for a while: seriously obese, he had put up a blog with good intentions to lose weight, recounting his odyssey to lose weight day by day.

The blog was very popular.
But sadly, despite the calorie count and physical activity, Sean has regained much of the weight he initially lost .

After losing over 120 kilos with a low-calorie but flexible approach, publishing a book on his weight loss success, being a TV and radio host, Sean Anderson has begun to gain weight.

And only after years did he discover that to lose weight it was not only necessary to change diet, but mentality. 


Unfortunately, weight loss is not always linear.
And Sean saw it on his own skin.
Gradually the weight returned, and he found himself weighing nearly 250 pounds again.
It was after the failure of the diet that made him so famous that Sean decided to change his mind and not just change his diet.

This thing was fundamental for him and it is also the reason why I wrote an article on this story.

The thing he noticed is a very important thing.
Many people, perhaps most people, want to lose weight because they associate weight loss with greater happiness and greater personal fulfillment.
If you want to lose weight, it is very likely that the first thing to ask is why.
Often it is not about health, but aesthetic.
And it is aesthetic because we associate greater happiness with a better aesthetic form.


Pay attention, please.
Imagine a scenario where you are thinner, and ask yourself what it can mean for you.
Try to do it thoroughly.
Think seriously about this thing.
What would change in you if you were thin?

Sean thought about it. He wondered what the difference would be.
Would his success of him in his life have increased if he had been thin?

Sean made a list of the things he loved about him regardless of his weight.
He realized that losing weight would never change these things.
That getting fat was not an existential failure , but simply something that had happened and that could be resolved. So he tried to solve it without questioning himself in the event of a probable, new, failure.
He tried to pinpoint the things that were causing him weight problems.
And only after these considerations did he decide to change his diet. 

He set up a new 1700 calorie diet without thinking he would feel guilty if things went wrong this time.
He cut back on sweets, which caused him nervous hunger and digestive problems.
He tried to cook as simply as possible, without messing around too much with numerous ingredients.

The result was that he lost 130 kilos and finally maintained his new weight over time. 

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