Cervical: symptoms, causes, all the remedies
Neck pain (neck pain) affects 30% of people. They can be disabling when they cause muscle stiffening of the part and impaired movement.

 Neck pain is configured as a localized pain in correspondence of the neck .
It can be due to cold blows or bad postures, but also from excessive stress . Let’s find out how to naturally cure cervical disorders.
- What are cervical pains
- Symptoms of cervical pain
- Causes
- Diagnosis
- How to prevent neck pain
- Nutrition for neck pain
- Natural remedies for neck pain
- Bach flowers
- Chinese medicine for neck pain
- Exercises
What are cervical pains
It is erroneously said “I have cervical” to indicate an acute symptomatology of pain in the cervical muscles, the classic pain in the neck and more.
The cervical tract is a portion of the spine made up of vertebrae, muscles, ligaments, and nerve endings.
Neck pain can be due to:
- Muscle stiffness;
- inflammation of the nerves;
- injuries of the intervertebral discs;
- incorrect postures;
- blows of air;
- sudden incorrect movements;
- stiff neck.
Sometimes the cervical pains radiate down the shoulders, other times the opposite, the subscapular tension leads to stiffening up to the neck.
Symptoms of cervical pain
Neck pain  causes vision problems , tingling and numbness, stiff neck, rapid heartbeat, dizziness , stiffness , especially in the morning.Â
The symptoms can vary in extent : they range from a simple stiff neck to a pain that can extend up to the arms making movement difficult, from a sense of nausea , dizziness to dizziness , loss of balance or ringing in the ears, problems hearing (nerve roots pass through the cervical area).
Causes of neck pain
The causes of neck pain can be of different nature. The most common are;
- Bad posture.
- Little physical activity and a sedentary lifestyle.
- Cold shots.
- Incorrect sleeping positions (pillow not suitable).
- Stress and emotional tensions.
- Occlusal defects of the dental arches.
In many cases, however , neck pain can be caused by injuries to the muscles and joints of the neck , due for example to traumatic factors or excessive strain.
When cervical pains have psychosomatic origins
Cervical pain diagnosis
The diagnosis reveals an  altered mechanical structure  of the cervical region, often due to  cold strokes, sudden movements, inadequate posture, exaggerated and prolonged stress .Â
Compared to traumatic events, cases of neck pain caused by muscle tension are more common,   which are appreciated on palpation in the form of “nodules” or “cords”.
Other diagnostic evaluations may result in: degeneration of the intervertebral discs, alteration of the adjacent vertebral bodies, stenosis of the vertebral canal. Nerve compression can them
How to prevent neck pain
Is it possible to prevent neck pain ? The answer is starting from a correct posture that takes into account the weight load of the skull. In fact, the head can weigh up to 5.5 kg and if you find yourself in non-aligned positions, the pressure that the head exerts on the neck becomes greater and causes cervical problems.Â
Performing exercises that keep the muscles flexible, and the joints loose, such as head circles, mouth openings and closings, lateral head bends, neck stretches from lying on your back can help prevent neck pain and headaches.
It is essential to find the right pillow to sleep , which compensates for cervical lordosis, is supportive for the vertebrae and muscles and avoids stiffness at night.Â
The neck generally needs heat and must be protected from disturbing agents such as wind and humidity: during the cold season it is good to protect yourself with scarves and scarves and it would be a good idea to always dry your hair.
Nutrition in case of cervical painÂ
Neck pain is often related to the liver and gallbladder organs. It is therefore necessary to support both with bitter-tasting vegetables (chicory, turnip greens, radicchio, Belgian endive) sautéed in a pan with garlic and extra virgin olive oil.
Foods such as artichokes and nettle should be consumed more frequently . Also useful is a thistle or artichoke herbal tea, obtained by boiling a leaf of the plant for 15/20 minutes, to be taken before breakfast and dinner.
Sometimes neck pain can result from lymphatic system stagnation , especially in people prone to sore throats and sinus infections. To avoid stasis of the lymphatic system, but also to support the liver and gallbladder, it is necessary to reduce milk and derivatives , animal fats contained in meat and sausages, refined flours and industrial foods.
Herbal remedies for neck pain
We can treat the cervical with natural remedies. Plants that act as anti-inflammatories of the osteoarticular system inhibit the synthesis of prostaglandins (PGE2), responsible for pain and the inflammatory process of the tissues, without damaging the protective layer of the gastrointestinal system.
These remedies can be taken in the form of mother tinctures or dry extracts; or, as ingredients of ointments and ointments to spread on aching joints.
- Devil’s  claw : ( Harpagophytum procumbens ): the root has proved particularly active, especially, in situations that cause pain and inflammation such as tendonitis, osteoatritis, rheumatoid arthritis, back pain, headache, cervical, bruises, sciatica, arthritis, arthrosis;Â
- Boswellia : ( Boswellia serrata ) a gum resin is extracted from the trunk and twigs, capable of carrying out a powerful anti-inflammatory and analgesic action on various pathologies of the osteo-articular system. Its use is recommended in the treatment of local inflammations, degenerative joint disorders, reduced morning motor skills, muscle pain, rheumatism, arthrosis, inflammation of soft tissues such as tendonitis, myositis and fibromyalgia;
- Spirea : ( Spirea ulmaria ) the flowers and the flowering tops are considered, together with the bark of the Willow ( Salix alba ), the “vegetable salicylates”, and for this reason, they are used to relieve the painful states caused by acute joint rheumatism and rheumatic affections in general, arthrosis, rheumatoid arthritis, toothache, back pain and cervical pain;
- Turmeric ( Curcuma longa ) the root is traditionally used both in Ayurvedic medicine and in traditional Chinese medicine, for its ability to counteract inflammatory processes within the body, for this reason it is recommended in the treatment of inflammation, joint pain , arthritis and osteoarthritis, cervical.
Bach flowers
The cervical area of ​​our spine is not inflamed only by physical factors that affect the osteoarticular system, but also by emotional imbalances and character attitudes that lead to excessive rigidity.Â
Sometimes, this disorder occurs in a period characterized by too many commitments to manage, so the stress that accumulates is completely discharged on the cervical area, leading to excruciating pain and contractures.Â
For these reasons, in the treatment of neck pain, Bach flowers can prove to be an excellent natural remedy . The most useful are:
- Rock Wate r : helps those suffering from joint pain, contractures and physical stiffness in the limbs and neck, for a too controlled conception of life, deprived of the playful side. Suitable for those who impose themselves (and impose on others) high ideals of perfection, fixed and unassailable rules. Closed in himself, he is a bad interlocutor, he does not question himself; he avoids confrontation, thinking he is always right, thus denying himself the possibility of growing. This flower gives mental flexibility, openness, and character elasticity. It helps to open up to the pleasures of life, to dissolve moral rigidity, and, consequently, also the physical one.Â
- Oak : is the remedy for those suffering from neck pain, shoulder and neck contractures due to an excessive sense of duty that does not allow rest. The individual never shirks from commitments and fights every day with all possible energy, without allowing himself a moment’s respite. He has a sense of duty that is so developed, excessive, that he never allows himself a failure, an illness. Inflexible with himself, self-demanding, he is a hard worker. The remedy helps to understand the importance of relaxation, of rest; allows you to take well-deserved breaks, softening the sense of duty.
Traditional Chinese Medicine
To dissolve the contraction of the muscles in Traditional Chinese Medicine (TCM) , cold wind and  Xue stasis are treated , in order to disperse Cold and Humidity.
Important points are:
- HOU XIÂ (at the level of the little finger joint), eliminates Wind-Heat syndromes, relaxes muscles and tendons;
- JI QUANÂ (in the center of the axillary fossa), eliminates the Heat in the Liver;
- JIAN LIAOÂ Â (in the posterior dimple of the shoulder), expels the Wind;
- NAO SHUÂ (under the lower edge of the scapular spine), eliminates Wind syndromes and dissolves Moisture.
Aromatherapy for neck pain
The essential oils used against pain due to cervical arthrosis are those with a marked rubefacient activity , that is, they cause the recall of blood in the most superficial layers of the skin, warming the area and lightening the inflammation in the underlying layers, thanks to the blood subtraction. . These essences should be used externally by diluting 3 drops in a tablespoon of arnica oil or added to a neutral massage cream .
- White fir essential oil : analgesic and anti-inflammatory, it has an anti-inflammatory action, increases vasodilation and local blood circulation, relieving the pain of arthrosis, arthritis , sciatica , cervical pain and rheumatism.
-  Juniper essential oil : it is used with benefit against osteoarthritis, arthritis, gout, rheumatic pain and other inflammations of the osteoarticular system. If massaged on the painful part, it stimulates the body’s production of cortisone, with a marked analgesic effect.
- Ginger essential oil : it has a pain relieving effect against muscle stiffness and painful states due to trauma, tears, strains, back pain, headache and cervical pain.
The neck is a true work of art of nature . It concentrates vertebrae, ligaments, muscles, nerves and glands (the thyroid) with astounding functions and interactivity.
The origin of neck pain (or neck pain) can derive from simple muscle spasm after cooling, arthrosis (calcifications around the joints- and vertebral bodies), spondylarythritic ankylosis (loss of joint), where the ligaments calcify and make the rigid column.
Simple neck pain is a dysfunction that responds perfectly to manipulative treatments(always look for serious professionals, be wary of improvised rehabilitation therapists). Â
To prevent neck pain, avoid holding bad postures for a prolonged time; for example, the position of the chin resting on one hand when standing in front of the screen). Always remember that the muscles adapt to the position assumed, so if the posture is wrong, the muscle shortens and, by contracting, finds itself struggling with a reduced supply of blood and oxygen.
From this derive pain, burning sensation and stiffness, which can lead to nausea, dizziness, tingling in the hand (especially if the mouse is used a lot; in that case we speak of mouse arm syndrome , or “cervico-brachialgia from use of the pointer “).
It is useful to dissolve deep tensions through massages or light tractions. Obviously, if the wrong posture is a habit, the techniques of palpation will be little.
We propose a small exercise to release tension in the neck: standing up, tilt your head to the right and then to the left, very slowly. Feel the muscles stretch with each exhale as you gather the energy as you inhale. Then raise one arm, and lower the other; push both back and reverse.
Learning to relax is an indispensable job for those suffering from this disorder; an imperative that brings countless benefits in the long run. For this it can be useful to follow Chi kung (Qi gong) lessons held by expert masters who know how to guide the imagination aimed at conveying the breath and attention between the different parts of the body.
Meanwhile, here are simple isometric gymnastics exercises that you can do anywhere:
- With your hands behind your neck, force your head forward and down, focusing your attention on the sensation of tension in the posterior muscles of the neck.
- With one hand on the head exert a lateral pull to the right and then repeat to the left, always keeping the shoulders firmly still.
- Very slowly turn your face upwards until your head is thrown back. Â
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