Can they take Garcinia and Spirulina?

Can they take Garcinia and Spirulina?

Good evening, I am a 23 year old girl, I have no particular needs or problems related to weight: I am 1.69 and I weigh 57 kilos. I am trying to follow a careful diet by eliminating junk foods, in order to get some bacon out. I exercise and don’t need miracles, so to speak. Today I went to a herbalist’s shop and bought a pack of Spirulina (as a protein supplement, since I don’t eat a lot of meat and I’m slightly anemic) and a pack of Garcinia Cambogia 1000. Now I have a doubt, do you think these two supplements can interfere creating unwanted effects or can I be calm? Thank you very much for your reply, Alessia

Health Answers

Hi Alessia! There should be no problems with the products you have already purchased. However, reading your post we immediately thought that you might be interested in one of our products, which contains Moringa oleifera in purity and Garcinia Cambogia, and helps to rebalance body weight. Furthermore, since you do not eat a lot of meat, Moringa oleifera is particularly suitable as it is one of the very few plants in nature that contains vitamin B12, usually present in foods of animal origin, and a large amount of bioavailable iron that is immediately assimilated by the body. Contact us privately or visit our website if you would like more information 🙂

Good morning, be careful with regards to Garcinia, it is a strong adaptogen that keeps alertness high, over time you may feel that you cannot do without it to carry out its activities … you only use it for a short time. Greetings

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