Can spices hurt?

Can spices hurt?

Hello recently a friend of mine suggested a remedy for weakness; it involves taking a pinch of ginger , turmeric and cayenne pepper (organic spice powder) in hot water; I must say that at first I was skeptical but she really gave me a regenerating effect and I decided to do a 20 day cycle as she usually does; but I wonder if in the long run they can hurt, because I have heard of some spices that taken either in greater quantities or in the wrong way can be bad; what can you tell me about it? Thank you

Health Answers

Grieco Rosa
Hi, turmeric, ginger and cayenne pepper are products with anti-inflammatory, toning, pain relieving, diuretic properties I would say that they have a good amount of properties in normal doses they have no particular contraindications apart from the sensitivity towards one of them but since it takes them for a few days I would say that this factor is undoubtedly excluded for example ginger if you are diabetic better to avoid because it could lower your blood sugar too much, turmeric in particular is an excellent intestinal detoxifier, obviously my advice that if you do not have particular pathologies you can take them for the recommended 20 days, then maybe he can redo the cycle after 4/5 months if he deems it necessary, I always say not to abuse even if a product is natural and made us feel good.Have a good evening and if you need other advice please ask.

Cinzia zedda - balances studio
Hi, spices like other “products of nature” can have a positive effect on our body by improving certain performances and / or accelerating other physiological processes. When necessary and taken with common sense, spices are excellent and effective natural solutions. But precisely because they work well they also have equally powerful active ingredients. If you feel that you have a strong enough stomach and intestines constitution then continue the way you started. Also remember that in the long run, especially on an empty stomach, the treatment you intend to do can irritate the stomach and intestines. This is the case of cayenne pepper (hemorrhoids, in massive doses it is also toxic, amplifies the absorption of pharmacological active ingredients), on the other hand, ginger instead of helping digestion could cause heartburn and so on. So it can be said that “in nature everything is good and everything hurts”. The meaning of this sentence is significant: let’s use our heads and common sense. Often with the belief that we are doing ourselves good we can instead harm ourselves. Sincerely

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