Can Diet Relieve Menstrual Symptoms?

Can Diet Relieve Menstrual Symptoms?

One of the nutritionists I follow with most attention does not write bestsellers in which he explains to people how to lose weight in a few weeks, but rather deals with his research to help people regain health, first of all, and then the line thanks to nutrition. . His name is Chris Sandel, and he is an Australian nutritionist who has lived in England for years. According to Chris, a diet that aims at our well-being and better physical shape is a nutritious and healthy diet, but without too many obsessions and above all, a diet that often does not coincide with our claims to a healthy diet: first of all because Chris is against the concept of a low-calorie and, above all, restrictive diet.

95 per cent of his clients turn to him because he suffers from overweight and hormonal problems , which Chris says are brilliantly overcome thanks to a nutritious and balanced diet, which gets their metabolism back on track . And in fact many of the symptoms that people complain of having, from mood swings to the sense of cold to various aches or swollen stomachs, are all problems of a slow metabolism (and if you don’t believe it, read all the metabolism symptoms here. slow ). Among these, some are considered normal by sufferers, such as menstrual symptoms. Among the menstrual symptoms Chris relates to slow metabolism are,note: cramps, tendency to tears, irritability and irrational thoughts, excessive sweating or hot flashes, pain, craving for sweets, swelling and water retention. But also: menstrual irregularities, intermittent or overabundant cycles, absence of periods. Can diet help us fight menstrual symptoms? What if we have a slow metabolism, and these symptoms are not only not normal, but they could be reduced?

If, for example, the pain is unbearable and disabling, have you ever wondered if your menstrual symptoms were normal? Chris explains that with his clients, by reviewing their diet, the menstrual symptoms have progressively improved within 4 or 5 months. A girl suffering from endometriosis and ovarian cysts saw all symptoms and discomfort disappear within 4 months of balanced and complete nutrition. But what exactly is meant by a balanced and complete diet?
1) a diet that provides our daily caloric needs (for women, about 2 thousand calories)
2) a complete diet of all macronutrients, including carbohydrates

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